
Ron Burkle Has Lady Problems

ian spiegelman · 03/30/08 09:36AM

Supermarket baron, secret Radar owner, extortion claimer, and broheim supreme of Bill Clinton, Ron Burkle, is getting slammed by his former mistress on a video posted to Youtube Friday. "Antiques dealer" with a shady past Chevyn McClintock-last seen claiming that Burkle can't screw-greets viewers from, she says, "The very same beach and spot where several Clinton fundraisers were held." She then goes on to say that she's gone ahead and called the Feds on Burkle and Bubba. Then she talks about hookers in a way that could get a person disappeared real quick.

Eliot Spitzer: Media Critic

ian spiegelman · 03/29/08 09:55AM

Before The New York Times utterly destroyed former Governor Eliot Spitzer by breaking the news of his whoring ways, Spitzer didn't have much respect for the paper. New York State District Attorney David Soares' report on Troopergate includes an email exchange between Spitzer and aid Rich Baum in which they discuss Times reporter Nick Confessore. "In a separate set of e-mails early in the morning on that date, Spitzer asked Rich Baum: 'So how do u think confessore came out?'"

"To this, Baum replied: 'Thought confe[ssore] story was what you said-fine but not how should have been written. Amazing what they pass off as analysis."

"Spitzer responded: 'Agreed. Confessor[e] was just so superficial, but our side is there, and headline and lead are okay."

Nice of Spitzer to give Confessore and his Times colleagues some stronger meat to cover.

Spitzer Hooker Mystery Update

Hamilton Nolan · 03/28/08 02:02PM

Regarding our earlier post about all the conflicting stories surrounding possible Spitzer hooker #2 Kristin Davis: a reliable source at the Daily News assures us that the paper did not pay for Davis' "Black Book" client list, which someone was shopping around to us yesterday. They also reiterated that in all their digging, the Daily News has not come up with any connection between Spitzer and Davis; the Post's sourcing remains a mystery.

The Emperors Club Whored Artists, Too

Pareene · 03/28/08 11:51AM

Modern art is more or less indistinguishable from prostitution, but every now and then something happens to make that relationship a little less symbolic and a little more literal. Emperors Club, the high-priced call girl outfit that provided Eliot Spitzer and countless other wealthy elites with classy sex, also hooked the same wealthy clients up with classy art. According to Artnet: "As it turns out, the company that ran Emperors Club VIP, the Emperors Publishing Media Group, also runs a parallel website titled Emperors Club Contemporary Art." Millionaires and billionaires who signed up with the service would supposedly gain access to "exclusive auctions" of works by folks like Jeff Koons and Andrew Wyeth.

Did This Hooker Sleep With Eliot Spitzer Or Not?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/28/08 08:45AM

The story of Kristin Davis, who the Post fingered yesterday as not only a high-priced madam, but also another hooker visited by Eliot Spitzer, is actually getting more interesting. Why? Because every new story that comes out makes it less clear if Davis actually has any connection to Spitzer. The Post says she does! The Daily News says she doesn't! And the Times doesn't really say anything! Verrrrrrrrrrryyy interesting. Somebody has screwed up on this story, big time. After the jump, we speculate—plus, we have some insight into the Daily News' big "Madam's Black Book" cover story today.

Wowee, Another Spitzer Hooker

Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/08 08:42AM

We never thought we'd see the day when the Governor of New York's illegal sex trysts would give us only a renewed sense of ennui, but: Okay, we get it. The guy liked hookers. If the Post keeps this up, lots of other valuable yellow journalism will fail to make the front page. Click to enlarge the cover shot. And after the jump, Eliot Spitzer hooker #2 Kristin Davis' MySpace picture, JUST TO GET IT OUT OF THE WAY:

New York media writing "Melissa Gira Grant" over and over in its notebook

Paul Boutin · 03/26/08 09:59PM

Yet another Manhattan paper, the alt.weekly The Village Voice, leans heavily on our own sex trade reporter to examine Eliot Spitzer. Voice writer Tristan Taormino argues that by hiring out instead of getting a real mistress, Spitzer was minimizing the impact on his marriage. Part of what you're paying for in a hired girlfriend experience: She won't get drunk and call your wife. Plus, Melissa adds, she won't let you get too crazy over her: "Sex with clients is very different from sex with people I am in a relationship with. I had to cut loose a client who was becoming too close and relying too much on me." Yeah, I had a Web contractor like that once.

Not $5,000 Per Hour, More Like $750

Nick Denton · 03/25/08 03:25PM

It's so annoying when inaccurate figures are repeated so often that they become settled data points. A case in point: it's now widely assumed that Eliot Spitzer, the whoremongering Governor of New York, paid $4,300 or even $5,000 for an hour of an escort's time. Wrong! Spitzer did indeed pay $4,300, and he applied a pre-existing credit of some $400, according to the FBI affidavit, making for a total expense of $4,700; but $200 of that was a tip, and $1,500 was on account. So the cost of an individual session with "Kristen"-the girl Spitzer saw in February-was $3,000. Given that the Governor was entitled to four hours, that works out at a more modest $750 per hour-not quite the extravagance that has so colored Spitzer's reputation, and prompted such manufactured shock in the media.

Spitzer Hires Not-Incompetent PR Firm

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/08 05:43PM

Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer has apparently hired Sard Verbinnen & Co. to help him with his bountiful PR needs. Anna Cordasco, a managing director at the firm, was quoted in the Post today as a spokesperson for Spitzer. Sard, as the agency is referred to in a shorthand that annoys co-founder Paul Verbinnen to no end, is one of the top three agencies of its type in the country. Its type being, specialists in high level business-focused PR, as well as crises. They are a major player in financial PR and M&A work, but they also handle lots of different media clients, and crisis work that you often never even hear about. They're very calculating, reserved, and, to use a cliche, strategic. Also, very expensive. They'll probably do a good job for Spitzer—they're not the type to leak, unless they have a good reason. Much of their work will doubtless involve keeping Spitzer out of the news, to the extent they can, until things blow over a bit and they can help relaunch him on some carefully selected positive-looking projects. And, of course, avoiding Choire Sicha's questions. [NYO/ NYP]

Roger Stone Knew Guv's Terrible Secret, According to Roger Stone

Pareene · 03/24/08 09:36AM

Roger Stone, GOP dirty trickster, attempts to reinsert himself into the news as often as possible. And as the man is a proud Nixonite, you can't ever actually believe a goddamn word he says. But the Miami Herald reported this weekend that Stone wrote a letter to the FBI last November informing them that former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer enjoyed the company of expensive call girls. Also: "Governor Spitzer did not remove his mid-calf length black socks during the sex act." Good to know! Who is Roger Stone, and why, exactly, was he concerned about the sexual deviancy of the governor of New York? Read on!

Veronica Webb Meets the Web-Haters

ian spiegelman · 03/23/08 10:00AM

Oh former models like Veronica Webb. Please stop going around saying and writing things. Know why? You're dumb and people don't like you. Ms. Webb was blogging about how she would give Ashley Dupree, one of former Governor Eliot Spitzer's many call girls, a makeover when a bout of the very-stupids overtook her. For instance, saying that Dupree's "almond-shaped blue eyes are her best feature." Dupree, of course, has smokey brown eyes."Every king eventually meets his Beowulf," Webb observes. "Some survive and some don't." What do you suppose the commenters did with this?

The Greatest Whores of the Silver Screen

ian spiegelman · 03/22/08 09:07AM

Entertainment Weekly gets in on the fiery death of Eliot Spitzer's every last hope and dream with a list! Predictably, the mag's "25 Hollywood Hookers" reserves its top spot for the Julia Roberts fantasy Pretty Woman. But it does give a nod to Jon Voight's awesome Joe Buck from Midnight Cowboy. Better yet, there's a full-body shot of a teen Jody Foster in the pedo-bait outfit that helped make Taxi Driver such an iconic must-see. [EW]

Whether You Want To See It Or Not

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/08 12:47PM

What was the motivation for Playgirl offering cash to Eliot Spitzer to appear naked in their magazine? Equality! "We knew that everybody was paying a lot of attention to the girls in these scandals and we knew that if we went after Spitzer it could be good. Of course being at Playgirl it occured to us immediately that we could get in on this game of going after people to get naked," says editor-in-chief Nicole Caldwell. Now if the former Governor refuses, he's just reinforcing his support for the American patriarchy. Your move, Spitzer. [PRNewser]

Ashley Dupre nude pictures make semantic Web slightly less obscure

Nicholas Carlson · 03/21/08 11:15AM

Larry Flynt is willing to pay Ashley Alexandra Dupré — the call girl who had something to do with what's-his-name from New York — $1 million to pose for Hustler. Imagine how much the Orlando Sentinel's website would have made from publishing Dupré's Girls Gone Wild photos back when Britney Spears hadn't yet made her cameo on CBS and Dupre still dominated the news cycle. With the right timing, it would have been bigger than Lindsay Lohan taking it of for New York magazine. But the Sentinel's loss can be your gain, "semantic Web" startups. The newspaper obviously blew it. The reason?

Ad People See Potential In This Whole Spitzer Affair

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/08 10:03AM

Highly paid creative advertising experts have come up with an idea for an ad that is sure to knock your funny bone right out of joint: the Eliot Spitzer scandal! Remember that mess with the governor, and the hooker? Now it's fodder for ads! These people are quick, you have to give them that! Politico got hold of the following casting call for a new hotel commercial; what do you get when a Caucasian man, a Caucasian woman, an African-American male, and a British guy walk into a hotel? Hilarity!:

People Feel Bad When Cheated On

Pareene · 03/21/08 09:05AM

A partner's affair is a terrible betrayal, but did you know that it is your own personal terrorist attack? "'9/11 always reminds me of how it felt — one floor collapsing into another,' said a woman in her 40s who lives near Seattle. Another woman, writing in an Internet chat room, compared her husband's affair to the Asian tsunami of 2004, which killed a quarter of a million people." Is it possible for an entire country to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder? [NYT]

Feds Embarrassed Spitzer With Gratuitous Details

Ryan Tate · 03/21/08 04:47AM
  • If you missed the prior leaked stills in the Post or Orlando Sentinel, Girls Gone Wild's video of Eliot Spitzer hooker Ashley Dupre may contain some revelations; otherwise you'll feel like you've already seen it. The video is excerpted by the Post here and for sale here.

Fancy Hotel is Hotbed of Sin!

Pareene · 03/20/08 10:10AM

Shock! The Mayflower Hotel, a charming old Washington DC institution, apparently doesn't forcibly stop women who may be prostitutes from going up to the rooms of men who may be johns! Attractive women in "stilettos and lacy camisoles" are so out-of-place in downtown DC that the hotel staff play a game called "Guess the Call Girl," where they quietly declare these women to be whores. But even after spotting the loose women, the staff sit idly by and do nothing while innocent men are led down the path of temptation. Disgusting. [NYT]

Male Escort, Homeless Guy Now Defining Governor Sex Discussion

Ryan Tate · 03/20/08 05:08AM

If it sometimes seems like every American will be talking constantly and forever about politicians whoring and cheating and having threesomes, until, within our sad lifetimes, the political fabric of the nation turns to ashes and our economy is paralyzed and society burned to the ground, it's because that is probably what is going to happen. In the meantime, let's all read and think about these important sexual issues some more. Here is what everyone is saying about governors having sex with people other than their wives:

Topless Ashley Dupre In Orlando Sentinel And Soon Everywhere Else

Ryan Tate · 03/19/08 07:44PM

Who doesn't have exclusive naughty Ashley Dupre content at this point? The Eliot Spitzer hooker appears topless (and nipple-less, thanks to silly photo editing) in the Orlando Sentinel this evening after the paper discovered it photographed her while preparing an article on video series Girls Gone Wild in 2003. The Sentinel follows in the Dupre-scooping footsteps of Us Weekly (non-nude photos), Girls Gone Wild (nude video), the Post (various, including a nudie cover photo), the Times (non-exclusive but quickly reposted MySpace pics), Daily News (cocaine allegations), Larry King (interview with an alleged Dupre pimp), nightlife impresario Steve Lewis (Dupre's celebrity boyfriend), and Gawker (cell phone video). There is surely more Dupre content lying undiscovered in laptops, cell phones and photo stashes across the country, not to mention social networks, magazine archives and random websites. Find your own EXCLUSIVE Dupre material and publish it to the world before the rest of your friends and relatives do likewise and Dupre finally and mercifully becomes passe, if she hasn't already. An oh-so-sexy sample from the Sentinel's EXCLUSIVE 16-photo gallery is after the jump.