Spitzer Hooker #2 (?) Update: Everyone Is Lying, Says Everyone Else

Here we are in the fifth day of the Possible Spitzer Hooker #2 saga, and the tabloid accusations continue to fly back and forth like so many bullets made of sex. Kristin Davis, who everyone agrees ran several high-priced call girl rings, also stands accused by the Post of servicing Eliot Spitzer himself; the Daily News says she has no connection to the Love Guv. The latest developments: Daily News sez madam serviced big sports star; No way, sez Post. Plus: Is the Kristin Davis "Black Book" client list a hoax? The Post says yes, for some reason!
The Daily News' follow up to their own front page splash last week about Davis' client list was Saturday's front page splash about New York Rangers hockey star Sean Avery's number being present in the black book. Avery denied everything. This morning, the Post strikes back with a story purporting to debunk the NYDN's Avery connection:
"I personally spoke to her, and she confirmed that she has never had any contact with Sean Avery in any shape or form," Davis' lawyer, Mark Jay Heller, told The Post yesterday...
"It is believed that alleged black book . . . is not authentic," Heller said.
Heller also says he MAY launch a lawsuit against the NYDN. Hey, maybe he can team up with Eliot Spitzer when he decides to sue the Post for connecting him to Kristin Davis! A charge which is repeated in today's story, although it has now been reformulated slightly to read, "Davis, who was rumored to have been one of Spitzer's personal favorites, is currently jailed on charges of promoting prostitution."
Mitigating evidence in favor of the black book being real: The NYDN used it to contact several people who did admit seeing Davis' hookers. So it would be a pretty convincing and incredible forgery.
We will continue to follow this shady, unclear story until the truth comes out and we can definitively say which media outlet is most deserving of mockery.
[pic via NYP]