via the New York Times

Last night’s primaries likely provided great clarity in the presidential races on both sides. On the Republican side, Marco Rubio dropped out after a drubbing in Florida and John Kasich took the mantle as establishment favorite after a relatively easy win in his home state of Ohio. As for the Democrats, Hillary Clinton swept Bernie Sanders in four important states. And then there’s Missouri.

The state once known as an important presidential bellwether, is, as of this morning, still too close to call in both races. On the right, per the New York Times, Donald Trump leads Ted Cruz by .2 percentage points, with Kasich 30 points behind them in third. On the left, Clinton is up on Sanders, also by .2 percentage points. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the margin on both sides is actually closer to less than one-half of one percent.

Late last night, NBC News called Missouri for the current leaders. But according to CNN, some absentee and provisional ballots have yet to be counted. Per the Post-Dispatch, Missouri law allows candidates to seek a recount if the vote comes in at less than one-half of one percent.

In the Republican race, those delegates matter. But with the Democrats, they almost certainly do not.