Yes, Newt Gingrich is still vying for the Republican presidential nomination, but that didn't stop him from essentially admitting he has no chance. On Fox News Sunday, Gingrich called Romney "far and away the most likely" nominee.

Gingrich went on to explain why it's important that he stay in the race, once again noting that he feels it's important to promote his conservative ideal even if he's not the eventual candidate.

Gingrich wants to influence the party's platform, which is a statement of principles on the issues. He's interested in promoting increased domestic oil production and personal Social Security savings accounts.

And although Gingrich is adamant about not dropping out, he went so far as to say he would campaign for Romney if (read: when) he secures the nomination. At the same time, he did seem a little cranky about Romney's seemingly endless funds — and who could blame him? Gingrich's campaign debt is nearing $4.5 million.

[Image via AP]