[There was a video here]

As John Edwards learned the hard way, the camera is always on. It was certainly on in the bowels of Fox News' dark tower last November as failed presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's icy wife-bot Callista prepared him for an interview with Bill O'Reilly. She brushed him like a horse, sprayed him like Cher, and locked down his hair with dead-eyed precision. Then O'Reilly said he looked like Justin Bieber. Burn.

We're not absolutely certain when the events depicted above—which took place as O'Reilly was preparing to tape a remote Q-and-A with Gingrich—were recorded. But to judge by the ties they're wearing, it was this November 2011 appearance. Once Callista was done picking Newt's nits, O'Reilly chimed in, telling Gingrich: "Mr. Speaker, if she moves the front down a little bit, then you got the Justin Beiber thing going on." He goes on to warn Gingrich to get ready for a tough but respectful back-and-forth. Kidding! He told him it would be just like their delightful lunches: "This interview is basically—I'm curious about these things. So it's just like you and me, if we're having lunch some time. That's what we're doing."

The clip above is a condensed edit. Here's the full, unadorned version:

[There was a video here]