
Around the World In a K-Hole

Hamilton Nolan · 05/22/09 01:30PM

Since the long weekend's coming up, let's learn about the latest news on dangerous illegal drugs, shall we? Yes. It's international: Special K is everywhere in Asia, "legal highs" are threatened in Britain, and in British Columbia, kids are joining the Crystal Meth Society!:

The Air in Spain is Laced With Cocaine

The Cajun Boy · 05/14/09 07:52PM

A study commissioned by the Spanish government to monitor that country's air quality has reported what most European travelers already knew: Their entire country is just one enormous coke den. Like, you can breathe it!

NYC's Coke Dealers Remain Unmatched

cityfile · 05/12/09 09:55AM

If you're planning a wild weekend in London in the near future, you may not want to indulge in any casual drug use while you're there. Not only has the price of cocaine skyrocketed in Europe in recent months, it's also the least pure it's been in years, as drug dealers stretch their supplies by mixing in the cancer-causing drug phenacetin, cockroach insecticide, and "pet worming powder." On the flip side, this means swarms of Eurotrash will continue to make New York City home to their coke-fueled escapades. But at least our drug dealers won't need a government bailout and that's good news, right? [BBC]

Cocaine Going to Hell Like Everything Else

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/09 09:03AM

The recession wants you to stop doing coke, Sniffy Smith. In Europe, at least, coke prices are up, purity is down, and you've spent half your paycheck on a bag that's 91% "pet worming powder."

Stupid Cokehead Toys

Hamilton Nolan · 05/01/09 02:09PM

Have you always wished you had an iPhone app that made it look like you were sniffing coke off your phone? Now you have one. Happy Friday, you broke bastard. [The iSnort]

Hope You Stocked Up on Tamiflu!

cityfile · 04/30/09 10:19AM

Better hope some Mexican tourist doesn't cough on you while you're walking in Midtown this afternoon. Pharmacists report that that there's been a run on Tamiflu this week (along with face masks, hand sanitizers, and pretty much everything else you could possibly use to stop from getting the virus). And despite assurances from public health officials that large supplies of the drug are available, we hear from one doctor that pharmacies can't even place orders for the quantities of Tamiflu that they need to fulfill their customers' orders.

Facebook Backer Wishes Women Couldn't Vote

Owen Thomas · 04/28/09 01:53PM

Peter Thiel, foremost among Silicon Valley's loopy libertarians and the first outside investor in Facebook, has written an essay declaring that the country went to hell as soon as women won the right to vote.

Is Your Pill Made of Rat?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/23/09 02:04PM

Rats: Are Your Off-Brand Pills Turning Into Them, In Your Mouth?

Weed Cures Cancer!

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/09 01:45PM

Tetrahydrocannabinol has been demonstrated to induce human glioma cell death through stimulation of autophagy! That means that weed totally cures cancer. Dude.

Naomi: Clean, Sober, Living in Fantasy Land

cityfile · 04/09/09 08:10AM

Violent drunks and junkies take heart: If Naomi Campbell can turn her life around, anyone can! The scary supermodel has been telling Giant magazine that she's finally been cured of her addiction to cocaine and alcohol by a therapy she calls The Program, which involves body cleanses and a Buddhisty-sounding philosophy that "teaches you to let go." Let go of what, one wonders? Certainly not bad behavior, since Naomi's image as an impossible diva prone to seismic tantrums is, she reveals, nothing but a silly myth, first perpetuated by her spurned former model agency boss John Casablancas. "He had to attack me because I decided to leave. Models can leave agencies. I was not under a written contract. I was shocked to see how he acted." Isn't it awful how one vindictive rumor can dog an innocent person for their entire career?