
Grey Gardens The Movie: NOOOOOOOOOOO

Choire · 09/19/07 08:40AM

Apparently Drew Barrymore thinks she can play Little Edie Bouvier Beale in HBO's forthcoming film version of the documentary "Grey Gardens." What. The. No. This is the greatest risk yet in Barrymore's career; one tiny misstep on this one and the gays will tear her limb from pudgy drunk limb. You're warned, chick.

Cher And Matthew Perry Suckers For Irish Love Songs

seth · 09/07/07 03:38PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you saw Drew Barrymore mackin on the Mac guy.

Drew Barrymore Jots Down Some Ideas At Beastie Boys Concert

seth · 08/21/07 03:29PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted beloved East Side mainstay Kiefer Sutherland in his rightful place, mingling among the drunk and unwashed masses at Sunset Junction.

Drew Barrymore Betrays The Women Of America With Zach Braff

Emily Gould · 07/02/07 02:40PM

We were never going to mention notorious cad Zach Braff again. But then, in today's mailbag: "On saturday night we were at beauty bar on 14th...zach braff and drew barrymore arrived and danced the night away while he continued to give her "sex eyes"...there was a lot of making out. what happened to spike jones?" AND! "Saw Drew Barrymore and Zach Braff sucking face on the dance floor late Saturday night/Sunday morning at Beauty Bar (14th and 3rd). Zach declined my offer for a shot of Jagermeister. The DJ declined my requests to play songs exclusively from the Wedding Singer and Garden State." Drew Barrymore: You have let us down for the last time.

Short Ends: Famous Actress Assured She's Still Pretty

mark · 04/25/07 09:06PM

· People names Drew Barrymore its Most Beautiful Famous Person, then forces her to pose without makeup. Don't those fucking sadists realize she's in her thirties? She'll be ruined!
· See, the difference is CAAA just kidnaps your dog; CAA would tie you down and kill it while you helplessly watched.
· What Britney Spears really needs in her life is a creepy, career-controlling father figure to straighten her out.
· We know that we've been dismissive of her work in the past, but suddenly we find ourselves somewhat more interested in that chick from The Hills. Hmmm. Must be the new bathing suit.
· Jimmie Walker and Ann Coulter: What's not to get about that?

Gossip Roundup: Drew Barrymore's Natural Beauty

Emily Gould · 04/12/07 08:55AM
  • Drew Barrymore didn't even have to win Top Model to get a contract with Cover Girl! "'How do I honor the tradition of Cover Girl and still bring myself?' Barrymore said she asked herself before doing the print campaign. 'It is a tone and a feeling.'"[WWD]

Jane Pratt Isn't The Type To Go Around Telling People She Had Sex With Drew Barrymore

balk · 04/04/07 10:15AM

In an interview with Metro, your alternate choice for subway platform linoleum, former Sassy/Jane editor Jane Pratt comes clean about that rumored dalliance with Drew Barrymore, the actress who so memorably portrayed Amy Fisher in one of the three made-for-television movies they made about that story. Metro's Daniel Holloway asks the tough questions.

Hollywood Hepatitis ScareWatch: Bullock, Barrymore At Risk!

mark · 03/15/07 11:37AM

It's been a tense couple of weeks since Hollywood event catering watchdog group TMZ.com has made any headway in its selfless crusade to inform the entertainment industry's party-going populace about their potential risk of a Hepatitis A infection from partaking of the delicious hors d'oureves served at 14 ultra-secret Wolfgang Puck-catered events staffed by a Hep-afflicted cook.

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Butterscotch Stallion's Intense Stair-Climbing Routine Does Little To Enhance Puny Gastrocs

seth · 03/06/07 05:18PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in like you mean it. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Drew Barrymore getting busy at the Golden Gopher with Henrik from Sweden's new arch enemy:

Defamer Connections: Drew Barrymore's Scandinavian Admirer

seth · 03/05/07 09:14PM

Occasionally, we'll find e-mails in our inbox addressed to specific celebrities from fans, pregnant women, aspiring screenwriters, etc., hoping that we have nothing better to do than to consult our famous-people Rolodex, and forward their correspondence off to the objects of their fascination/scorn/lawsuits. Our typical instinct is to file those in a special folder marked "trash." But once in a while, a fan letter is so touching, we feel it's our duty to publish it in the hopes of bringing idol and admirer together. Therefore, Drew Barrymore, we'd like to introduce to a very special, Scandinavian young man named Henrik:

Drew Barrymore Is A "Nudist Little Bird"

Doree Shafrir · 02/21/07 05:07PM

It's so Jane to put Drew Barrymore on the cover of the March issue of Jane! She's so smart and cute and funny, and she dates indie rockers and one-testicled comedians. Also, she describes herself as a "sexual, free, fucking nudist little bird running around" and "a wood nymph when it comes to sexuality." Right-o! Well, the whole wood nymph thing would explain the dress she wore to last year's Golden Globes.

Citizen Journalist Film Critics Suck

Choire · 02/16/07 12:00PM

Not long ago, both the NY Times and the LA Times opened the golden gates of their movie review sections to You, the person of the year. Oooh, it's Web 1.34! Well, Your reviews are in—and You totally suck! You suck even worse than Stephen Holden!

Drew Barrymore's Valentine Was Spike Jonze; Arcade Fire To Do SNL

Emily Gould · 02/15/07 10:33AM

We shared a Williamsburg romantic's Drew Barrymore Valentine's dream-date plan with the world—"when we first officially met upstairs at the spotted pig [Drew and Fabrizio Moretti] were 'this close' to breaking up and it was a magical, magical moment." Others had cast aspersions on his chances with the Music & Lyrics star. Unfortunately, those doubters were right.

Drew Barrymore's Sad Valentine's Day Plans

Emily Gould · 02/13/07 11:40AM

A sly Williamsburg dude left a subtle hint about his Valentine's Day date on the reliably retarded Williamsboard message board last night:

Stalk of the Town: They May Have Also Called Him Justin Or Fab A Few Times

gawktern · 02/07/07 11:50AM

The date: February 3rd 2007
The place: 2nd at 13th
Sighted: "Saw Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz, they were fighting with the bartender because they thought he charged them ten dollars too much. They ended up throwing money at him and storming off. Lame. They make how much a movie?"