
Donald Trump Is a Republican

Tom Scocca · 07/29/16 04:39PM

One of the major themes of the just-concluded Democratic National Convention, and especially of the reaction to the convention, was that the party was, as the New York Times put it, “Eager to Woo Republicans.” It was the fullest expression of the Democrats’ effort to assemble a unified front against Donald Trump. Two nights after the populist and socialist Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, so did the plutocrat and sometime Republican Michael Bloomberg.

Donald Trump Is So Mad Michael Bloomberg Called Him a Con Man

Brendan O'Connor · 07/29/16 08:55AM

Regardless of whatever political good or harm it did, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s appearance at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday appears to have gotten under Republican nominee Donald Trump’s skin. “Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business,” Bloomberg told the DNC. “God help us.” (Folks!) “I’m a New Yorker,” he continued, “and I know a con when I see one.”

Hey, What Happened to Melania Trump’s Website?

Brendan O'Connor · 07/28/16 03:57PM

Taking time out from her current business and professional interests, Melania Trump addressed fans’ questions on Thursday about why her website,, now redirects to the Trump Organization’s homepage. “The website in question was created in 2012 and has been removed because it does not accurately reflect my current business and professional interests,” she said in a screenshot statement posted to Twitter. The statement, astute readers will note, is only 10 characters longer than Twitter’s 140 character limit.

Trump-Pence Volunteers Bar Washington Post Reporter From Entering Public Campaign Event

Brendan O'Connor · 07/28/16 01:05PM

On Wednesday, after he was denied press credentials to cover Indiana Governor Mike Pence’s first public event since being introduced as Donald Trump’s vice-presidential candidate in Cleveland, the Washington Post’s Jose DelReal was barred from entering the rally by security staffers, who went as far as to summon law enforcement before escorting him from the premises.

BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW: Is Karl Rove Voting for Donald Trump?

Ashley Feinberg · 07/27/16 08:30PM

PHILADELPHIA — Just a few hours ago, in an interview with Gawker, Karl Rove finally offered an answer to the question on everyone’s mind: Is Karl “the Architect” Rove ready to get behind Donald Trump?

Desperate-For-Attention Trump Is The Only Authentic Trump

Ashley Feinberg · 07/27/16 02:21PM

Donald Trump is an attention-hungry, inauthentic charlatan driven almost entirely by an insatiable appetite for fame and, if he can swing it, fortune. So to treat Donald Trump as if he’s trying to convey any actual message is to miss the point of him entirely. Donald Trump’s only message is that Donald Trump exists.

Donald Trump Tells NBC's Katy Tur to "Be Quiet"

Jordan Sargent · 07/27/16 11:32AM

Donald Trump held a patently absurd press conference this morning, in which he offered that foreign governments should hack Hillary Clinton, asked reporters if they’re familiar with the “n-word,” and referred to John Hinckley—the man who tried to kill Ronald Reagan—as “David.”

Donald Trump Asks Russia to Hack the United States

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/26/16 11:25PM

In a notably unhinged press conference Wednesday, Donald Trump explicitly requested Russia hack more email accounts belonging to a former Secretary of State, just minutes after denying that Russia was involved in the hack at all.

Finally, a Totally Original Trump Burn

Ashley Feinberg · 07/26/16 04:13PM

PHILADELPHIA — Earlier today, the DNC’S Rural Council met to discuss the impact of Democratic policies on our country’s farmers and, more importantly, to brutally own noted city boy Donald Trump.