
A Close-Up Photo of Donald Trump's Hair

Jordan Sargent · 02/01/16 06:50PM

This is a close-up photo of Donald Trump’s hair, taken by Christopher Furlong of Getty Images, at Gerald W. Kim Middle School in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Jan. 31.

Every Candidate’s Impossible First-Day Agendas, Ranked

Ashley Feinberg · 02/01/16 02:03PM

With the Iowa caucuses officially kicking off primary voting season, it won’t be long before a brand new butt is working a fresh groove into Obama’s old chair. In preparation, our various candidates are already hard at work making wild schedules for their first day on the job. And each one is more impossible than the last.

Flyboy Donald Trump Is Getting Cocky With His Fancy Airplane

Brendan O'Connor · 01/31/16 09:44PM

On Saturday, Trump held another one of his airplane-hangar rallies, except this time he buzzed the tower, because the spectacle always needs to exceed itself. That music is the theme from Air Force One. Top Gun might have been more appropriate, but then again there’s no accounting for taste.

Donald Trump Is Not the Only Tycoon Named Trump

Brendan O'Connor · 01/31/16 07:50PM

According to a 2013 ABC News report on the 50 Most Influential Networking Tycoons, Trump Group co-founder Edmond Trump’s influence—whatever that means—is worth $96 billion dollars. Donald Trump (no relation!) didn’t even make the list. As it turns out, Edmond Trump is also a real estate developer—Donald sued him and his brother Jules in 1988 over their use of the shared family name.

J.K. Trotter · 01/29/16 06:08PM

Daily Intelligencer has a great compendium of Weekly Standard editor and conservative pundit Bill Kristol’s preternaturally wrong predictions about Donald Trump’s rise (which is merely one of the things Kristol has been very wrong about).

Donald Rumsfeld Was Shady as Hell on The View Today

Rich Juzwiak · 01/27/16 12:40PM

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld did the straight white old man equivalent of throwing shade at a number of the presidential candidates on today’s episode of The View—he sprinkled Old Spice on them.

Campaign Manager Says Trump Is "Definitely Not" Participating in Fox News Debate

Brendan O'Connor · 01/26/16 07:05PM

Speaking at a press conference before a rally in Marshalltown, Iowa, Donald Trump continued to turn the screws on Roger Ailes, threatening that he “probably” won’t participate in the Fox News-hosted debate on Thursday. Trump’s campaign manager, meanwhile, told the Washington Post’s Philip Rucker that the candidate was “definitely not” participating in the debate. “His word is his bond.”

The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of the GOP Anger Morons

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/16 02:16PM

Donald Trump winning an election? We’ve come to accept that bizarre possibility as plausible. But telling a pollster that you view Donald Trump as electable? Now that’s crazy.