
Bill O'Reilly Is Still a Racist Motherfucker

Jordan Sargent · 04/12/16 09:51AM

Bill O’Reilly is not the worst person on Fox News—except for when he definitely is, as in last night’s wild and racist discussion with Donald Trump about black people.

Does Donald Trump Know We Can Hear Him?

Ashley Feinberg · 04/11/16 09:44PM

Tonight in Albany, Donald Trump ended an hour-and-a-half long rant with one of his most unintelligible, yell-y diatribes yet. It was, in a certain light, beautiful.

A Brief History of Ben Carson Being the Worst Campaign Surrogate Ever

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/11/16 11:01AM

Ben Carson’s tepid endorsement of Donald Trump is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Each time he appears on Trump’s behalf to argue the case for a Trump presidency, he drives the point home a little further—not even Trump’s official supporters can muster real enthusiasm for an orange, white and blue America.

Trump Has Been Donating Free Rounds of Golf to Charities Instead of Cash

Helen Holmes · 04/10/16 10:30PM

Although for years Donald Trump has staked much of his philanthropic reputation on the claim that he has donated hundreds of millions of dollars of his personal wealth to charity, a recent investigation by The Washington Post reveals that this is far from the case. In fact, many of the gifts that Trump had claimed were simply cash turned out to be free rounds of golf, land-conservation agreements, and actual small parcels of land.

The Boston Globe Made a Joke, I Guess

Melissa Cronin · 04/10/16 11:09AM

The long-awaited “front page we hope to never publish” from the Boston Globe is here, and it is reportedly a “joke.”

My Wednesday Night Making Long Island Great Again

Marina Galperina · 04/08/16 12:17PM

One does not simply walk into Grumman Studios, site of Wednesday night’s Donald Trump rally in Bethpage, Long Island: one takes a shuttle bus packed to the bursting point with people who want to make America great again.

Does Justin Bieber Support Donald Trump? A Social Media Mystery

Brendan O'Connor · 04/05/16 08:55PM

Approximately 15 minutes after 8:00 on Tuesday evening, screenshots of an apparent interaction between Canadian pop star Justin Bieber and Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s Instagram accounts began circulating on social media. Bieber, it seemed, had liked one of Trump’s videos.

Trump's Plan to Pay for That Very Big Wall Is Very Stupid

Jeff Ihaza · 04/05/16 06:30PM

One of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s main (if not only) defined policy goals is to erect an enormous, very tall, very expensive wall on the border between The United States and Mexico. Today, in a memo, Trump made it clear how he would pay for this wall—by bankrupting Mexico’s poor.

The New Republic Made a Good Tweet and Then Deleted It

Alex Pareene · 04/05/16 02:50PM

The New Republic, a 102-year-old American magazine of current events reporting and commentary, today wrote “fuck me daddy” to Donald J. Trump, the businessman and current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, on the social networking platform Twitter. Then they deleted it.

Talking With Sean Young: "Crazy" in Hollywood, Supporting Trump, and a Career That's "Mostly Over"

Rich Juzwiak · 04/04/16 01:45PM

On Friday of last week, for about 40 minutes, as she rode home to Astoria from her tap-dancing lesson, I spoke to Sean Young, the actor who rose to fame in 1982's Blade Runner and then subsequently “saw my career go up in flames” in a series of professional setbacks (among them: she lost the role of Vicki Vale in 1989's Batman when she fell off a horse, and was fired from 1990's Dick Tracy).

New York Observer Editor Ken Kurson Helped Trump With His AIPAC Speech

J.K. Trotter · 04/04/16 11:55AM

On top of reporting Donald Trump’s apparent knowledge of Fox News’ dirty secrets, Gabriel Sherman’s excellent piece on the Trump campaign contains another bit of media intrigue: The role of Trump’s son-in-law*, New York Observer owner Jared Kushner, in the candidate’s attempts to connect with the American Jewish community. According to Sherman, The Observer’s sitting editor-in-chief, a former Rudy Giuliani speechwriter named Ken Kurson, helped Kushner write the speech Trump delivered last month at the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee’s annual conference:

Lindsey Graham Is Not Worried About Donald Trump

Jeff Ihaza · 04/03/16 06:10PM

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham met with Egyptian President Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi on Sunday to discuss, naturally, the looming possibility of a Donald Trump presidency. Graham was in Egypt as part of a Republican congressional delegation touring the Middle East, a region his party’s presidential frontrunner believes would be better served if Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were still around. Speaking to reporters after his meeting with el-Sissi, Graham said he reassured the Egyptian president that even if Trump won the presidency, the Egyptian people have nothing to worry about.