Photo: AP

On Saturday, Ted Cruz polished off his domination of Colorado by collecting all 34 delegates available in the state, enraging the Trump campaign, which responded to the utter and total loss with its predictable amount of vehement vitriol. From The Guardian:

“You go to these county conventions and you see the Gestapo tactics, the scorched-earth tactics,” said Paul Manafort, Trump’s newly appointed “convention manager”, in an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.

Manafort was not specific about what Cruz, the Texas senator who is best placed to take on Trump, or his campaign had done to remind him of the Nazi secret police.

The Cruz win is essential because it drastically increases the likelihood of a contested convention—in that potential scenario, delegates would be free to select whichever candidate they wanted.

In addition, according to The Guardian, the Trump campaign made its unmistakable mark in Colorado by passing out mislabeled ballots with misspelled names and having delegates scream such fetching calls to arms as “Donald Trump! Buy Colorado weed!”