
The Gawker Endorsement: None of Them

Alex Pareene · 04/19/16 09:36AM

For the first time in the modern primary era, the New York presidential primary election, happening today, is actually important in the races for both the Republican and Democratic nominations. For the conscientious citizen, this is lousy news. You can no longer engage in the beloved New York tradition of just writing in Howard Stern, confident that your vote wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

Donald Trump Tried to Rally Pittsburgh by Asking About a Dead Enabler of Child Rape

Jordan Sargent · 04/14/16 10:02AM

Donald Trump held a rally in Pittsburgh last night. Does he know anything about Pittsburgh? The answer, I can definitively say, is: no. I’m certain of this because at the beginning of his speech, Trump held up a piece of paper and said, “I will tell you this: I asked, when I came over, gimme some stats on how Pittsburgh is doing.” And so his staff gave him some stats, and the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president literally read them off of a folded up sheet of paper.

When the Donald Trump Facebook Superweapon Targets You

Sam Biddle · 04/14/16 09:30AM

As of this Thursday morning, there were 112,096 members of “Donald Trump For President 2016!!!!!!,” a Facebook group that functions as a forum for white grief and racially charged meme pics. You’d better hope they don’t ever find a reason to dislike you, because they will make your life very shitty very fast—which is exactly what happened to anti-Trump activists and college students Diana Chavira and Ben Bobo.