Bill O’Reilly is not the worst person on Fox News—except for when he definitely is, as in last night’s wild and racist discussion with Donald Trump about black people.

O’Reilly brought Trump on after a brief intro about low favorability ratings for both Trump and Hillary Clinton. After a back-and-forth on that point, O’Reilly moved specifically to the subject of support for Trump among black voters. O’Reilly opened the questioning by telling Trump that he recently defended him when Tavis Smiley called him a “racial arsonist” (nevermind that Smiley has already showed a willingness to do Trump’s bidding) before drilling into the racial fault lines Trump’s campaign has proudly run along.

O’Reilly asked Trump what his campaign plans to do to win over black voters, and when Trump argued back that actually they love him, O’Reilly moved to pin down what specifically Trump’s “message” to black people will be. Many a cable news host would have gladly let Trump do the Freestyle Trump thing if it meant more exclusive Trump air time, but O’Reilly wanted an answer. Very good!

You just have to ignore all the insanely racist shit O’Reilly said on his own, though, which O’Reilly made difficult by announcing at the outset that he wanted to “talk about the minorities.” A few minutes in, O’Reilly said the following:

But how are you gonna get jobs for them? Many of them are ill-educated and have tattoos on their foreheads and, you know, I hate to be generalized about it but it’s true, uh, if you look at all the educational statistics. How are you going to give jobs to people who aren’t qualified for jobs?

Ah, yes, Bill O’Reilly would rather it not be true that many black people have tattoos on their foreheads, but it’s a fact, as you can read in the... educational statistics. Although, in fairness to O’Reilly, Trump has shown a unique ability people to connect with voters with ill-conceived tattoos.

Even O’Reilly’s more well-intentioned, if rudimentary, analysis of race in America—as in his observation black children have it much harder than white children—is prefaced by a phrase like “when we drive up to Yankee Stadium, we go through Harlem,” uttered with no trace of irony whatsoever.

O’Reilly’s racism was so purely displayed in this interview that I haven’t even mentioned anything Donald Trump said, which is a truly incredible feat, congratulations Bill O’Reilly, you are the champion racist.

[video via Mediaite]