The Georgia-based Veterans for Trump super PAC, which registered with the Federal Election Commission in February, has filed a report declaring its intention to TERMINATE itself, effective immediately. “For what it is worth, we received 0 donations and had 0 expenses,” the filing reads.

“We would like to TERMINATE this Super PAC, effective immediately,” the PAC declared in a filing submitted Monday. “Additionally, we were unable to file our April 15th Quarterly report due to the software failing to recognize our ID.” The super PAC had only filed its statement of organization with the FEC in February. Its treasurer, Omar Shihadeh, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Incidentally, the Georgia “Veterans for Trump” PAC is not the only super PAC by that name to shutter recently: Another “Veterans for Trump” super PAC, based in Nevada, terminated itself in December after registering with the FEC a month earlier. It also did not raise any money, but it did receive a letter from the FEC informing it that super PACs cannot name themselves after candidates unless authorized to do so by the campaign, which it was not.