
Who Is Really Behind the Anti-Trump Delegate Unbinding Movement?

Brendan O'Connor · 06/28/16 01:50PM

Given that a majority of Republican voters (52 percent!) would prefer someone other than Donald Trump as their presidential candidate, it comes as no surprise that a movement would emerge intent on realizing such a possibility, forcing a floor fight at the upcoming Republican National Convention and throwing an already flagging party into further disarray. The anti-Trump “Free the Delegates” group wants to persuade the Convention Rules Committee to adopt a “conscience clause,” which would allow delegates to avoid voting for a candidate who they feel is offensive to their religious or moral beliefs.

Does Donald Trump Still Want to Ban Muslims?

Brendan O'Connor · 06/28/16 07:33AM

The Associated Press has a report today on Donald Trump’s “evolving” Muslim ban. The proposal was always short on details—“Because I am so politically correct, I would never be the one to say. You figure it out!” he wrote to the AP in an email—but every attempt to clarify has only confused the issue further.

Donald Trump Hires Press Advisor Who Might Actually Talk to Press

Hudson Hongo · 06/27/16 10:21PM

With his heavily ad-libbed campaign promises, Donald Trump’s media strategy has often better resembled an improv routine. But after the ouster of rogue campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, that may no longer be the case: On Monday, Trump hired veteran GOP operative Jason Miller (who most recently served as a top Ted Cruz aide) to “take the lead role over the Trump campaign’s message and interactions with the news media,” Bloomberg reports.

Populism, Look Left

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/16 11:15AM

For years, people have been warning that inequality is growing. Now we are beginning to see tangible political consequences. There is no reason that populist anger must devolve into right wing nationalism. The opportunity now is so much greater than that.

The Republican National Convention Is Going to Be Such a Mess

Brendan O'Connor · 06/27/16 08:47AM

The Republican National Convention in Cleveland next month is shaping up to be a complete disaster, with hundreds of delegates in revolt and many prominent members of the GOP forgoing the event entirely. In fact, so few people want to speak that Donald Trump said earlier this month he is considering instituting a “Winners’ Night,” for sports stars.

Donald Trump Trying to Suppress Video Depositions in Trump University Lawsuit

Brendan O'Connor · 06/24/16 12:37PM

Not usually one to avoid the cameras, Donald Trump is attempting to suppress two videotaped depositions he gave in December and January pertaining to the two class-action lawsuits Trump University is facing in California. The transcripts of the depositions have already been made public, and Trump’s lawyers argue that releasing the video would not only be redundant but would taint the jury pool upon being covered in the media.

Donald Trump Is Stoked About Brexit—On An Unrelated Note, What Is Brexit?

Ashley Feinberg · 06/24/16 09:40AM

As Donald Trump’s plane landed in Scotland early this morning, the world had just begun to grapple with a vote that has thrown Europe into chaos, and many in the U.S. are seeing as an omen of Trump’s imminent success. And in keeping with tradition, Donald Trump seems to have no idea what any of it means.

Donald Trump Takes a Break

Brendan O'Connor · 06/23/16 07:53AM

Tonight, Donald Trump heads to Scotland on a short, 36-hour trip, not to meet with political leaders during a time of particular tumult for the United Kingdom, but rather, to visit two golf courses that he owns.