Senator Bernie Sanders, who is technically still running for president, told MSNBC on Friday morning that come November he will vote for Hillary Clinton—if only to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.

Asked whether he would vote for the presumptive Democratic nominee, Sanders said, “Yes. I think the issue right here is I’m gonna do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump.” Trump, he said, would be a “disaster” if elected, enumerating all of the reasons why that is so. “My job right now is to fight for the strongest possible platform for the Democratic National Convention,” Sanders said.

Earlier this week, Trump made a half-hearted appeal to Sanders supporters on the basis that he, a corrupt and megalomaniacal businessman, is the one to stand up to corrupt and megalomaniacal politicians.

This seems like a long-shot at best, but honestly at this point who knows? British voters just threw themselves off an economic cliff, and—oh, right—Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee. It’s 2016! Anything can happen.