Video still: YouTube/Right Side Broadcasting

On Tuesday, Donald Trump delivered a policy speech on trade during a campaign stop at Alumisource, a metal processing facility in Monessen, Pennsylvania.

Throughout the speech, Trump slammed the Trans-Pacific Partnership. “I am going to withdraw the United Straights from the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” he declared. He emphasized that the agreement unfairly benefits China, which is an odd claim to make, given that China is not actually part of the TPP.

More important than Trump’s incoherent policy positions is the backdrop in front of which the presumptive nominee delivered his speech. Take a look:

Pretty cool! “We provide raw material inputs to the aluminum industry in the form of custom shredded and blended aluminum scrap,” Alumisource’s website reads. “Through careful sourcing, inspection and processing, we are able to provide a unique aluminum scrap alternative that can be used as feedstock in either reverb or rotary furnaces.”

Just goes to show that America doesn’t need the TPP to provide a unique aluminum scrap alternative that can be used as feedstock in either reverb or rotary furnaces.