British comedian and prankster Lee Nelson snuck into Donald Trump’s press conference at his Turnberry golf course in Scotland on Friday, posing as an employee who’d forgotten to hand out a new line of red golf balls emblazoned with the Nazi swastika.

“These are the new balls available from the clubhouse as part of the new Trump Turnberry range. I forgot to hand them out before,” Nelson mugged. “I’m very sorry Mr Trump. And thank you. I apologize.”

Nelson was promptly ejected, but not before a heap of Nazi golf balls scattered across the grass in front of the presumptive Republican nominee.

The balls were eventually cleared away.

In a later press conference, Trump predicted the break up of the European Union following Britain’s vote to leave. “It looks like it’s on its way and we’ll see what happens,” he said. He also predicted that Germany—the EU’s most important member—might now also leave amid fears over immigration.

“I have a lot of friends living in Germany who have always been proud Germans,” Trump said. “Now they’re thinking about moving.” He described his friends as patriotic “to a level you wouldn’t believe.”