Photo: AP

With his heavily ad-libbed campaign promises, Donald Trump’s media strategy has often better resembled an improv routine. But after the ouster of rogue campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, that may no longer be the case: On Monday, Trump hired veteran GOP operative Jason Miller (who most recently served as a top Ted Cruz aide) to “take the lead role over the Trump campaign’s message and interactions with the news media,” Bloomberg reports.

Chief among Miller’s new duties will be professionalizing the one-woman press office of Hope Hicks, Trump’s famously tight-lipped press secretary. From CNN:

The Trump campaign’s communications shop has numbered one for the entire race: Hope Hicks, a political neophyte who became the presumptive GOP nominee’s press secretary. Trump has generated an unprecedented amount of media attention, and has largely preferred to interact with the media himself rather than work through aides.

In an interview with CNN earlier this month, Trump said he would be adding more communications staffers “soon,” to support and supplement Hicks, but he didn’t provide a time frame.

Trump and his aides have been predicting P.R. reinforcements for months with little to show for it until now.

“I think Donald Trump really has been the messenger for the campaign, and today with this Supreme Court decision it shows they need to be on top of it,” conservative lobbyist Tony Perkins told Bloomberg. “I think he’ll be helped greatly by having a communications team who can get these messages out in a timely fashion.”

One tentative sign of change: After Gawker sent Miller an inquiry email Monday evening, Trump’s newest hire promptly responded.