
Trump Campaign Just Pulling Meaningless Fundraising Numbers Out of Thin Air at This Point

Brendan O'Connor · 07/07/16 12:25PM

On Thursday, the Trump campaign announced that it raised $51 million in the last week of May and the month of June—$26 million for the campaign itself and $25 million for the RNC. While there is no reason to doubt, necessarily, the accuracy of these numbers—and they are obviously a vast improvement over the campaign’s abysmal $3.1 million May fundraising efforts—it is important to remember they do not represent anything close to a full accounting of the campaign’s financial health.

Jared Kushner’s Family Calls Him an Asshole for Defending Trump

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/07/16 10:35AM

Yesterday Jared Kushner penned a loving tribute to his father-in-law, Donald Trump, drawing on his own Jewish heritage and family history with the Holocaust to bolster the argument that Trump is not anti-Semitic. In response, Kushner’s family advanced the argument that he’s a real idiot.

Trump Campaign Floats Ivanka as Vice President

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/07/16 07:30AM

Perhaps in part because it was always going to end like this, and perhaps in part because no one but Chris Christie seems to want the job, Donald Trump’s campaign is now talking about the possibility of Ivanka as Trump’s vice president.

A Brief List of the Jewish People Donald Trump Loves

Jordan Sargent · 07/06/16 07:01PM

Tonight in Cincinnati, Donald Trump delivered a speech during a rally in Ohio that was unhinged even by his own standards. One topic of particular fixation was the controversy over the anti-Semitic-y tweet sent out by his campaign this past weekend.

Observer Owner, In Defending Father-In-Law's Embarrassing Twitter Behavior, Embarrasses Self

Brendan O'Connor · 07/06/16 03:42PM

This weekend, Donald Trump signaled once again to neo-Nazis and other anti-Semites that his campaign is a safe space for misogynistic Jew-bashing disguised as political criticism: The presumptive Republican nominee deploys such rhetoric with such frequency that it has become a pillar of Trumpism. And while right-wing hate groups across the country have celebrated this development both online and off, it has also revealed certain fissures in the institutions surrounding the Trump campaign—such as the newspaper owned by the candidate’s Orthodox Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who has steadily risen in stature within the campaign over the past few months.

Donald Trump Really Loves Saddam Hussein

Brendan O'Connor · 07/06/16 07:25AM

At a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Tuesday, presumptive Republican nominee and aspiring strongman Donald Trump declared his admiration for Saddam Hussein, “He was a bad guy—really bad guy,” Trump said. “But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good.”

New York Observer Editor and Self-Proclaimed Anti-Semitism Expert Defends Trump from His Own Reporter’s Accusation of Anti-Semitism

J.K. Trotter · 07/05/16 06:23PM

Today the New York Observer published an “open letter” to the newspaper’s owner, Jared Kushner, in which a reporter named Dana Schwartz asks her boss to reconsider his close relationship with his father-in-law, the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who recently tweeted (and later deleted) an anti-Semitic meme about Hillary Clinton. Schwartz, who is Jewish, tells Kushner, who is also Jewish: “When you stand silent and smiling in the background, his Jewish son-in-law, you’re giving his most hateful supporters tacit approval.”

Eli Valley · 07/05/16 11:20AM

Eli Valley is publishing a collection of his comics this year with OR Books.