Photo: AP

On Tuesday, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee spent the day with Donald Trump. On Wednesday, he formally withdrew his name as a potential Trump vice presidential pick. The Trump campaign, however, has not decided whether or not to allow it.

“There are people far more suited for being a candidate for vice president, and I think I’m far more suited for other types of things,” Corker told the Washington Post in a phone interview. Corker, the Post reports, “repeatedly praised” Trump and indicated he’d be happy to serve as an “informal” adviser leading up to the election.

One can only speculate why Corker, who was on the Trump shortlist and happily campaigned with him yesterday, withdrew his name immediately after spending the day with the candidate. But either way, he’s made it clear the only Trump campaign job for him is one he can abandon as necessary.

Or is it? In an interview with CNN, Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson disputed Corker’s withdrawal, saying he was absolutely still on the list he clearly said he doesn’t want to be on.

“Historically a lot of the candidates say they’re not interested or they don’t want to be considered,” Pierson told Wolf Blitzer. “At the end of the day, once they’re asked, they usually accept.”

“I will say he’s taking it very seriously,” Pierson said. “This is very personable.”

[There was a video here]