Image: AP

Paul Ryan may be openly disgusted with Donald Trump, but he does seem willing to do his bidding: This morning, the Republican House leader sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asking for Hillary Clinton to be banned from receiving classified information during her presidential campaign.

Ryan’s letter reads in part:

There is no legal requirement for you to provide Secretary Clinton with classified information, and it would send the wrong signal to all those charged with safeguarding our nation’s secrets if you choose to provide her access to this information despite the FBI’s findings. I firmly believe this is necessary to reassure the public that our nation’s secrets are secure. Should you choose to reject this request, I ask that you provide you rationale for granting Secretary Clinton access to classified information despite the FBI’s findings.

Ryan’s letter acts as a formal request, but it comes off as a mere publicity stunt. In a press conference in which he recommended that no charges be filed against Clinton, FBI Director James Comey never said that Clinton would be unable to properly handle classified information moving forward.

Further, I highly doubt that Paul Ryan, in his heart of hearts, truly thinks that Donald Trump—who, for instance, allowed sensitive voicemails to be easily accessed by teenagers—is a more trustworthy person than Hillary Clinton. You can read Ryan’s full letter below.