Just one day after the FBI announced what was possibly the most damaging news of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Donald Trump used multiple platforms Wednesday night to discuss his own alleged bigotry.

On stage at campaign rally in Cincinnati, Trump said that a tweet featuring a six-pointed star was only interpreted as anti-Semitic due to “racial profiling” by his critics. And on Twitter, Trump shared a photo of a Frozen sticker book featuring a similar shape, asking where the outrage was for the company founded by (alleged anti-Semite) Walt Disney.

It seems like maybe the wiser move would have been to just, I don’t know, leave it be?

UPDATE 11:00 P.M.: Four more months of this.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this post identified Walt Disney as a “notorious anti-Semite.” While Disney was allied with the allegedly anti-Semitic Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, his personal bigotry continues to be debated.