
Busy Burglar Shot After Jerking Off, Stealing Dog, and Two Break Ins

Aleksander Chan · 12/29/14 09:59AM

An unidentified 21-year-old burglar is in critical condition at a hospital Bensalem, Penn. after allegedly breaking into a woman's apartment and masturbating on her balcony. He was shot twice while reportedly trying to rob another apartment.

You Think You're a Good Dancer? Wrong. This Dog Is a Good Dancer

Kelly Conaboy · 12/22/14 12:02PM

Look at you. "I practiced this dance in front of a mirror, so I know it looks good." Give me a break. "Everyone compliments me on my dancing." Come on. "I'm pretty good." Yeah right. You know who's actually good at dancing? This dog!

Cool Pope Just Making Stuff Up About Heaven Now

Hamilton Nolan · 12/12/14 09:55AM

It is becoming increasingly clear that Cool Pope "Francis" (a nickname)—though he is certainly cool and wacky and generally chill—is just making stuff up as he goes along. Do dogs go to heaven? Sure, why not?

Dog Snuggles With Best Dog Friend Having a Bad Dream

Allie Jones · 12/09/14 12:48PM

You ever have a bad dream where you're running down a long hallway away from the bad guys, but the hallway just keeps getting longer and longer and you know you're never gonna make it?

Sleepy Puppy Can't Not Sing Along to His Favorite Frozen Song

Hudson Hongo · 11/30/14 05:00PM

You know the feeling: Sure, it's been a fun night out, but you have to work in six hours and you're fading fast. Then suddenly—like a kind of magic—Your Jam comes on and instantly you're back howling with the best of them.

Tiny Shih Tzu Dressed as a Teddy Bear Works Out on a Treadmill

Jay Hathaway · 11/26/14 11:00AM

Look, I'm not going to tell you this is anything more than what it is: a video of very small dog dressed as a teddy bear—or, if you nerds prefer, an Ewok—walking on a treadmill for an amount of time that is just long enough for you to register amusement and just short enough that you won't have to worry overmuch about his health or comfort.

Dog in a Snow Maze Refuses to Play by Your Silly Human Rules

Jay Hathaway · 11/24/14 10:10AM

Ginzey the dog's family thought they had explained the rules of the snow maze very clearly: Make it through in one minute, get a treat. Otherwise, you're trapped forever. But they never said he couldn't just cut through the snow.