
The Defamer Job Board: Dump Them Before They Dump You

mark · 06/14/07 02:25PM

Let's be honest: Given the way things work in Hollywood, there's a very real chance you're going to be fired by the end of the day. Why not seize control of your destiny by finding a new gig on the Defamer Job Board right now, denying either your mercurial boss or some faceless, cost-slashing corporate drone the opportunity to pinkslip you?

The Defamer Job Board: Here To Help You Sift Through The Ashes Of That Bridge You Just Burned

mark · 05/31/07 03:13PM

It would irresponsible of us to recommend that you cut ties with your current employer by urinating on the dry cleaning you just picked up, phoning his wife and admitting he's nailing the assistant two cubes over, and then heading to the beach to enjoy the rest of your day, confident that a better gig is right around the corner—irresponsible, that is, unless we told you take along your laptop and spend some time using the Defamer Job Board to plan your next career move as you listen to the gentle sound of the Pacific lapping against the sand.

The Defamer Job Board: Plan Your Escape While Your Boss Is On Vacation

mark · 05/24/07 03:58PM

Your abusive boss is probably already out for the Memorial Day weekend, so this seems like the perfect time to begin that job hunt you've been meaning to get underway ever since he branded the agency's initials on you with a hot wire hanger as a show of loyalty. Hit the Defamer Job Board and get one step closer to freedom, still-healing ICM scar be damned:

The Defamer Job Board: Because ABC Doesn't Know Genius When It Sees It

mark · 05/16/07 03:47PM

Your pilot season gig on ABC's comedy hopeful HeadOn: Apply Directly to the Forehead! HeadOn: Apply Directly to the Forehead! HeadOn: Apply Directly to the Forehead! is long over, and you've just learned that the network has handed over its sole primetime sitcomfomercial slot to the Geico Cavemen instead of your more promising show, leaving you suddenly out of work for the coming TV season. Break the cycle of unemployment with the Defamer Job Board, the leading Defamer-branded job-search tool on the internets!

The Defamer Job Board: Get Out. Now.

mark · 05/03/07 04:43PM

With our previous Defamer Job Board highlight posts focusing on humiliation, physical abuse, and thoughts of homicide, perhaps it's time to stress the positive reasons for starting the search for your next gig. Such as: Think about how good you'll feel once you never have to fill another Valtrex prescription for your boss again! See? That's a much happier thought with which to begin clicking through this week's featured listings:

The Defamer Job Board: Find A New, Better Boss To Despise

mark · 04/25/07 03:45PM

The signs that you're sick of your job have become too persistent to ignore: You can hardly be bothered to spit in your boss's Starbucks cup each morning, and the stream of expletives you mutter under your breath as you sulk away from your daily dressing-down have recently lacked imagination. You need a new gig, and the Defamer Job Board is here to help, just in time. This week's highlights:

The Defamer Job Board: Career Salvation May Be Just A Mouse Click Away

mark · 04/18/07 04:53PM

Tired of having your daydreams of total Hollywood domination interrupted by a boss demanding that you immediately drop what you're doing to bring his prized cockapoo to the Chateau Marmutt for an emergency grooming, under pain of termination if that pampered pooch doesn't come back perfectly fluffed? If so, you need to spend some quality time on the Defamer Job Board hunting for a new gig, one free of the stale ritualistic humiliations you've learned to suffer through quietly in the name of career advancement. Take a glance at this week's highlights:

The Defamer Job Board: A Smart Alternative To Justifiable Homicide

mark · 04/04/07 04:00PM

It's a dilemma we've all faced: You hate your boss with the white-hot intensity of a thousand begrudgingly fetched caramel macchiatos, but murdering him could result in a lengthy, career-stalling jail sentence, and messily killing yourself inside his just-detailed Lexus would just give the cruel taskmaster the satisfaction that he successfully thwarted your Hollywood ambitions. You really need the Defamer Job Board right now, which features these exciting opportunities to escape the crushing bleakness of your current situation: