
Yes, One Punch Can Kill You

Hamilton Nolan · 07/06/11 04:59PM

You know those people who are always like "Well, yes, that guy was attacking you, but it was just a fistfight. You had no reason to hit him with that chair"? Man, I can't stand those people. What they don't take into account is that, yes, one punch can totally kill you.

Onion Editor Stomped by Philly Teen Mob

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/11 04:45PM

Emily Guendelsberger, an editor at The Onion's AV Club in Philly, was walking along with seven friend Saturday night when they ran into a group of teenagers (between 20 and 40 of them, according to different sources). And teens being teens, they attacked everyone for no reason, including Guendelsberger, who was knocked down and had her leg broken. She says that a bunch of girls came to her defense when they realized how badly she was hurt, so that's a bonus. Still, this only strengthens our longstanding support for a policy of incarcerating all Philadelphia-area teens between the hours of 8 p.m. tonight and 9 a.m. on July 27, 2014.

Martha Stewart Can't Stop Making Exploding Furniture

Richard Lawson · 06/21/11 02:35PM

Here's a news broadcast from Denver that tells the harrowing tale of a family whose glass-top patio table from the Martha Stewart Living collection spontaneously exploded, showering them with glass. Horrifying! And not the first time this has happened.

Hawaii: Guide Book Writers Are Responsible for Tourists Being Dumb

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/11 04:25PM

People like to go to Hawaii. It's nicer there than where they live. When they go to Hawaii, they get guidebooks, and go to the places that the guidebooks recommend. Sometimes, some people fall down and get hurt at the places they read about in the guidebooks. How to solve this tourists-getting-hurt-sometimes problem? By making the guidebook people pay.

Your Beautiful Crib Is Going to Kill Your Baby

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/11 12:45PM

Parents: have you purchased your baby a top-of-the-line crib and lovingly accentuated it with "Puffy bumpers, pillows and blankets, low-hanging mobiles and a menagerie of stuffed animals?" You have, haven't you? Because you care about little Aedynn, don't you? Yeah, about death.

Only Bad Parents Let Their Kids Play Wiffle Ball

Jeff Neumann · 04/19/11 04:13AM

If you're a parent in New York and your kid is playing wiffle ball, tag or Red Rover this summer well, you're a horrible person. The New York Department of Health has drafted a list of "risky recreational activities" that could potentially kill or maim your kid this summer, and the previously mentioned games fit that bill. The list is an attempt to clamp down on deadly summer camps:

Mexico Now Unsafe for Everyone

Hamilton Nolan · 04/13/11 12:10PM

Most Americans think of our neighbor to the south, the land of Meh-hee-ko, as a place primarily populated by taco-wielding mariachi bands passing out tequila shots in a welcoming spirit of friendship, speaking "espanyole." We regret to inform you that that impression may be overoptimistic.

Big Wet Balls Will Be the Last Thing You Ever Play With

Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/11 03:47PM

Saving smiles! Tainted IVs! Hep C! Water balls! Baby babble! No births! College hookups! And super secret squats! It's your Thursday Health Watch, where we watch your health—but just as a friend!

Another Manhattan Balcony Death Plunge

Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/11 10:10AM

Hana Lin, 26, was drinking beer with two friends in their 26th-floor apartment at 101 Warren St. in Tribeca (pictured) early Tuesday morning. They went on a beer run; when they came back, she was gone. She'd fallen over the balcony to her death.

Egypt No Longer Safe For Journalists

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/11 12:28PM

Over the past day and a half, Egypt has transformed from a thrilling dream story for journalists into a place where being a journalist is seriously hazardous. First the physical attacks; now, the arrests. A quick rundown, below.