
The Horrible, Bigoted Texts Traded Among San Francisco Police Officers

Aleksander Chan · 03/18/15 01:53PM

A passel of racist, homophobic text messages sent between at least five San Francisco police officers were released last Friday as part of a motion by the U.S. Attorney's office to deny bail to Ian Furminger, a former SFPD sergeant recently convicted on federal corruption charges and a primary actor in the series of bigoted texts.

All The Answers From Gawker Readers' Q&A With an Anonymous Cop

Andy Cush · 03/17/15 03:29PM

What do police officers do when they witness their colleagues abusing citizens or otherwise behaving badly? To what degree is modern law enforcement driven by a focus on generating statistics? Why didn't the cops beat me up when I threw rocks at them as a teen? Do you consider yourself a hero?

An Anonymous Cop Is Here to Answer All Your Questions About the Police

Anonymous Cop · 03/17/15 10:00AM

Police officers turn up a lot in Gawker stories, but unless they’re a department commissioner giving a press conference or a union leader loudly berating a public official, it’s rare that they actually have a voice. What does the average beat cop think about Darren Wilson or Daniel Pantaleo? What is he looking for when he makes a stop for suspicious activity? Gawker’s anonymous cop is here to answer our readers’ most pressing questions.