
St. Louis Cop Warns Officers to Turn Off Dashcam While Arresting Suspect

Aleksander Chan · 02/16/15 03:40PM

In footage being used as evidence in an excessive force lawsuit against the St. Louis Police Department, an officer can be seen warning a group of at least seven cops arresting a suspect that a car's dashcam was on and recording them before the footage cuts out for more than two minutes.

Cops Filmed Firing Pepper Spray at Teacher Walking From MLK Rally

Aleksander Chan · 01/30/15 03:22PM

Seattle high school teacher and activist Jesse Hagopian is suing the city for $500,000 after police fired pepper spray at him as he walked past officers at a Martin Luther King Day rally. In video of the incident obtained and released by the NAACP, it appears Hagopian and other bystanders were sprayed by officers unprovoked.

Badass Suspect Speeds Off in Cop Car at 100 MPH While in Handcuffs 

Aleksander Chan · 01/27/15 04:10PM

Roxanne Rimer was arrested by police two weeks ago about 10 miles away from the Pennsylvania Kohl's she is accused of shoplifting from. After she was handcuffed and put into the back of a police car, she managed to climb through the partition and drive off. Police released the impressive dashcam footage today.

NYPD Commissioner to Cops: "Start Working Again"

Brendan O'Connor · 01/11/15 04:16PM

Top NYPD officials are demanding increased summons activity after a weeks-long slowdown, the New York Post reports. Borough commanders have reportedly mandated that precincts deliver "activity sheets" detailing the number of arrests and summons per shift. Officers have reportedly also been threatened with a loss of vacation time.

Cops Mistakenly Tell Mother on Christmas They Shot and Killed Her Son 

Aleksander Chan · 12/31/14 11:50AM

Washington, D.C. police were forced to apologize to Karen Robinson after erroneously identifying her son Raymond as having been shot and killed in a shootout with cops. Officers knocked on her door at 2 a.m. Christmas Day to deliver the bad news that wasn't hers.