The New York cop caught on camera insulting and yelling at an Uber driver who dared to suggest he use his blinker is being transferred from his current position on an elite joint terrorism task force, officials said Wednesday.

One of the passengers in the car told reporters the incident began when the driver gestured at the officer, who was apparently attempting to back into a parking spot without using a blinker.

Within a day of the footage going viral, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton announced Detective Patrick Cherry had been temporarily stripped of his gun and badge and placed on "modified duty." Reports the Post:

Detective Patrick Cherry has been removed from the department's elite Joint Terrorism Task Force and will be doing desk duty until he is officially transferred out of the prestigious division.

"No good cop should watch that video without a wince," Commissioner Bill Bratton said at a Wednesday press conference. "Because all good cops know that officer just made their jobs a little bit harder."

"In that kind of encounter, anger like that is unacceptable," Bratton reportedly said. "In any encounter, discourtesy and obscene language like that is unacceptable.

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