On Thursday, 18-year-old Brandon Jones was shot and killed by a Cleveland Police Department officer. A police spokesperson said that no weapons were found at the scene, The Guardian reports. Protests are planned for Saturday night.

Police were responding to reports of a break-in at a convenience store when the fatal shooting happened in the early hours of Thursday morning, according to Cleveland ABC affiliate newsnet5.com.

Jones emerged from the store—which he had apparently broken into—with a bag containing, according to the store's owner, a pack of cigarettes and some money. Police say a struggle ensued, in which Jones tried to grab an officer's gun. He was then shot at least once. Afterwards, he was taken to a hospital, where he died.

Cleveland City Councilman Kevin Conwell, who represents the neighborhood where the break-in and shooting took place, told WKYC, "We heard the man was unarmed. That's what's making the neighborhood feel uneasy."

Conwell said that he spoke to a woman who witnessed the shooting. "She said 'they did not have to shoot that guy. They did not have to shoot that man. They probably could have tackled him or tasered him,'" Conwell said.

WKCY also reports that both officers involved in the shooting are African-American.

"If he's unarmed, and there's two of you all and one of him, why is my baby dead?" Jones' mother Tanya Brown asked.

Image via Twitter. Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.