
Microsoft Let NSA Spooks 'Enhance' Windows 7

Ryan Tate · 11/20/09 12:47PM

A National Security Agency director just bragged to a Senate subcommittee about his agency's close "cooperation" with Microsoft to, err, "enhance" how Windows 7 guards a user's privacy. Doesn't that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

Are Birthers Really The New Truthers?

Pareene · 09/11/09 01:14PM

9/11 Truthers—the actual, self-declared movement Truthers—are, universally and without exception, morons. Van Jones signed a Truther petition, which was incredibly stupid, but he says he is not actually a Truther. Wha...?

The Skye Parrott Conspiracy

Hamilton Nolan · 08/24/09 12:41PM

In your unnerving Monday Media column: The paper of record cannot stop talking about Skye Parrott (??), the Tribune Co. sells a losing team, JPMorgan takes over publishing by accident, and the great political talk show ad debate. No worries!

Where In the World Is Glenn Beck?

John Cook · 08/20/09 03:51PM

Glenn Beck's not on Fox News this week, leaving everyone to wonder why not and, more importantly, where he went. Forced off the air by an advertiser boycott? The Hamptons? An Obama re-education camp? We know where, but not why.

Chris Matthews Almost Killed G. Gordon Liddy On Live Television

The Cajun Boy · 07/23/09 07:57PM

Chris Matthews had former Nixon henchman/radio talk show host/Birther G. Gordon Liddy on Hardball tonight to talk about the dumb Obama birth certificate controversy and Liddy looked as though he might die on the air while Matthews surgically debunked him.