
The Birthers: Who Are They and What Do They Want?

Pareene · 07/22/09 01:19PM

Liz Cheney and Lou Dobbs have recently defended the "birthers," the dumb group of internet psychos who think it's impossible that a black man could've been democratically elected president. Where did they come from and what do they actually believe?

Birthers Displeased With Reasonable Republican

Pareene · 07/21/09 09:22AM

See, this lady says Barack Obama is "a citizen of Kenya," and wants to know what her Representative plans to do about the fact that a Kenyan has become the president. So Castle says: "Well I don't know what comment that invites. If you're referring to the president, then he is a citizen of the United States."

Not-Secret Meeting Shrouded in Secrecy

Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/09 01:09PM

In your flammin' Friday media column: Lola Ogunnaike's out of a job, the LAT's web editor's into a job, a WSJ writer brings da ruckus, and the secret newspaper meeting was not a secret we swear so don't ask any more about it or else:

Glenn Beck Says ACORN Ninjas Are Trying to Kill Him

John Cook · 05/13/09 02:50PM

Just in case there was any doubt as to Glenn Beck's status as a paranoid charismatic who regards himself as a Christ-like figure, last night he predicted his own assassination on television.

CNN Confuses Similar-Looking Bush, Obama

Ryan Tate · 05/03/09 06:24PM

It's OK, CNN. We all have our suspicions about which world leaders conspired to launch this "spontaneous" swine-flu panic. But we'd pair Bush with someone from PRI. At least you "fixed" the "error" quickly.

David Frum: "What the Hell Is Going On at Fox News?"

Pareene · 03/18/09 12:23PM

Beck (pictured here, at home) has gone off the deep end, rehashing ancient John Bircher conspiracy theories, pointing his growing audience toward extremist literature, and gleefully (and tearfully) playing at unstable demagoguery. This doesn't sit well with Mr. Frum, who'd maybe like to see the Republican party win elections instead of forming paramilitary militias in fortified rural compounds. (YOU ARE NOT ALONE, WE SURROUND THEM, I'M WORRIED FOR THIS COUNTRY—we think we know where that sort of argument is headed!)

The Liberal Media Mafia's Secret Listserv of Smugness

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/09 09:17AM

Are you aware that there is a secret "listserv" populated by Washington's most self-important journalists, where they conspire on how to control the world via their influential ramblings? This thing is big! And secret!

Olivia Palermo Under Siege

cityfile · 03/12/09 12:06PM

Could it be there's a vast conspiracy underway to sully the reputation of Ms. Olivia Palermo? Yesterday an anonymous tipster informed us that he/she spotted the young social/reality TV star at a certain discount clothing chain. Now has several compelling reasons why this person's account may not have been entirely truthful! And here we were hoping that Olivia had suddenly caught on to the fact we're in the middle of a recession. [Racked, previously]