
Heroin About to Get a Whole Lot More Expensive

Jeff Neumann · 05/13/10 07:40AM

A mysterious fungus is wreaking havoc on Afghanistan's opium poppies, which account for 92% of the world's supply. Local farmers blame the US military and NATO after a white substance appeared on their crops. The United Nations blames nature.

Republicans Are Afraid Census Scare Tactics May Backfire

Jeff Neumann · 04/05/10 04:35AM

With the census due, conservatives worry that months of stoking fear among their constituents may come back to bite them in the ass, because a low turn out could mean a loss of Republican seats in Congress. Brilliant move, guys.

Glenn Beck Mocks a Birther

Pareene · 01/05/10 12:39PM

On his radio show yesterday, popular hysterical demagogue Glenn Beck insulted a "Birther." He noted, correctly, that while he is often accused of being a conspiracist, he has not endorsed the Obama-was-born-in-Kenya conspiracy. Then, in order to make sure people continued referring to him as a conspiracist, he alleged that calls from birthers were part of an organized White House effort to discredit the opposition. Just like every racist sign at a Tea Party is being held by a secret left-wing provocateur.

Skull & Bones Skull for Sale

Hamilton Nolan · 01/05/10 12:34PM

Goodbye, mystique: A totem collector is auctioning off a magic skull/ stash box that once belonged to Yale's planet-controlling secret society Skull "n" Bones. Plus, "a black book with names and photographs of earlier members." Nick Denton, bid now! [AP]

The Secret Life of Punky Brewster

Ryan Tate · 01/04/10 12:16PM

For a former child star, Soleil Moon Frye has done some very impressive networking. Her celebrity buddies in Hollywood have kept the 1980s actress in the media spotlight. But she's also insinuated herself atop the Silicon Valley power structure.