
Watch Steve Jobs Reveal His Secret Ninja Identity

Ryan Tate · 09/15/10 11:42AM

Taiwanese newspaper publisher Next Daily posted a great video of Steve Jobs becoming a ninja and attacking airport security. What is the truth about the Apple CEO's martial arts skills, and why aren't U.S. media investigating? A conspiracy, perhaps?

The Best Apple Conspiracy Theory You'll Hear All Week

Adrian Chen · 09/11/10 11:25AM

Let us put a tin-foil protective case around our iPhone 4 for a second. A tipster has sketched the eerie outline of a massive Apple campaign of deception: Are Apple stores creepy fantasy lands, stuffed with paid extras?

Why Won't Barack Obama Plaster His Birth Certificate on His Forehead?

Max Read · 08/30/10 03:01AM

Alleged President Obama sat down with 30 Rock cast member Brian Williams on Sunday to talk about some... French city? Or something? Who even knows?? Because the important part is that Obama once again rejected the demands of millions of reasonable Americans, who are just naturally suspicious of this black fellow claiming to be president. See, Obama told Williams that he "can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead." Oh, and why is that, "Mister" "President"? Most likely because you can't plaster something to your forehead... if it doesn't exist.

The Onion Video Satire That Fooled Conspiracy Theorists

Max Read · 07/22/10 02:45AM

This is a video made by The Onion in 2007, showing a congressman—played by an actor—read out a largely classified bill about a zombie invasion. Recently, it's been making the rounds on Facebook—but not as a satire.

Study: June Was Hottest Month On Record

Jeff Neumann · 07/19/10 06:41AM

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's "State of the Climate" report, last month was the warmest June on record worldwide. Last month also saw the lowest recorded level of Artic sea ice. [NOAA]