
Outrage-Off: Glenn Beck vs. Wesley Pruden

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/09 11:58AM

Lib bigots and Muslims are sending America to hell. The only thing that can save us is the one-upmanship of right wing psychos competing to say the most outrageously xenophobic thing. Today's contenders: a television crazy, and a newspaper crazy.

ACORN-Buster's Secret Conservative Sugar Daddy

Ryan Tate · 09/22/09 02:04PM

So much for James O'Keefe as the scrappy, independent sparkplug of conservative media. The 25-year-old, who famously embarrassed ACORN on YouTube, got a five-figure sum that traces back to at least one rich conservative, well known to Silicon Valley.

Glenn Beck: 'I'm Not a Fearmonger'

The Cajun Boy · 08/12/09 01:11AM

Earlier tonight Glenn Beck dropped in on the O'Reilly Factor for his regular Tuesday fat-chewing session with Bill-O, where he defended himself against the totally ridiculous allegations that he's intentionally stoking the irrational fears of village idiots across the land.

What This Country Needs Is a Good Terrorist Attack!

The Cajun Boy · 07/01/09 05:19AM

Last night Glenn Beck's guest was ex-CIA person Michael Scheuer, who stated that the only hope for the country was for Osama Bin Laden to "deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States." Seriously.

Swift, Brutal Retribution Against Specter

Ryan Tate · 04/29/09 06:44PM

The National Republican Senatorial Committee launched a robo-call campaign directed at 100,000 Democratic voters. The call includes a quote from the former president talking about how much he loves Specter, the senator who yesterday switched to the Democratic Party from the Republican side.

The History and Point of Teabagging

Pareene · 04/10/09 11:23AM

This is what the Tea Party thing is about: a bunch of think tanks and marketing firms are convincing a couple thousand unemployed right wing cranks to get together to protest literally everything (but mostly they are protesting still-imaginary future tax increases that have been proposed by no one), and they are protesting by mailing Lipton tea bags to members of congress, along with cryptic, nonsensical notes. (We are angry in Maine!)