OK, Rachel Maddow is officially the last person in the world allowed to joke about the dumbly-named Republican Teabagging parties, as the MSNBC host did last night, at great length.

With all the chuckling over the inadvertently appropriated term, it's starting to feel like "teabagging" is being, well, shoved down our throats. And who wants that? It's suffocating, really.

The humor, in the end, has ended up like a tea bag that steeped too long: All the flavors drained out and we're left with something rather limp, rather than the spicy libation we were hoping to gulp down.

You'll find a highlights reel above, featuring a ballsy take on the issue from Maddow and Daily Beast columnist Ana Marie Cox. You can get your full-length teabagging experience from the same place we obtained ours, Jason Linkins. (Thanks for that, Jason.)