
Adam Weinstein · 07/23/14 01:52PM

Today is National Hot Dog Day! Unfortunately, the president of the National Pork Producers Council is unavailable to celebrate, since he was arrested this afternoon in Washington trying to enter a Capitol complex office with his unlicensed 9mm pistol. He's probably being grilled by police.

Adam Weinstein · 07/23/14 10:30AM

Congressional Republicans have a new plan to address unaccompanied minors crossing into the U.S. from Mexico. It deploys U.S. troops to the border and mandates "aggressive information campaigns" in Central American nations, as well as US-run "repatriation centers" on their soil.

Adam Weinstein · 06/26/14 10:23PM

The wealthy congressman moves easily through his South Carolina district, from his plantation home to Kazoobie Kazoos to Larry Toomer of Bluffton to "a heavyset man with a goatee" sipping tequila from a Solo cup. It's not a Flannery O'Connor grotesque. It's the life of cheating hypocrite Mark Sanford.

Adam Weinstein · 06/25/14 12:36PM

Sarah Palin-endorsed candidates are losing primaries, so maybe Sarah Palin will leave the Republican Party. "If Republicans are going to act like Democrats, what's the use in getting all gung ho about getting other Republicans in there?" she tells Sean Hannity. Yes. Yes.

Obama Tries to Distract From Benghazi by Capturing Benghazi Suspect

Adam Weinstein · 06/17/14 11:30AM

Not content to let truth-minded conservatives do their job, the White House made a wild attempt to pre-empt congressional scrutiny of its Benghazi failures by catching one of the architects of the Benghazi attack in a daring nighttime raid.