
Congress Can't Even Kill Legal Weed Right

Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/10/15 12:45PM

The entire fate of Washington, DC's legalized marijuana program apparently rests on the statutory definition of one word: "enactment."

Campaign Finance Reform Is Going Backwards

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/14 09:40AM

If America ever wants to shed our cynical, accurate view of our political system being solely a game for the rich, we must—must!—reform the way we finance political campaigns. This week, Congress is determined to take a big step in the wrong direction.

The Breathtaking Cynicism of the Mia Love Lovefest

Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/14 01:04PM

Among the newly elected members of Congress this week was Mia Love, a freshman Congresswoman from Utah's Fourth District. She is a black female Mormon Republican. She is an instant superstar. She is the face of America's political cynicism.

Today, We Are All Tricky Dick

Adam Weinstein · 08/08/14 03:20PM

Forty years ago, Richard Milhous Nixon became the first and only president to announce his resignation from office. Thank God he did, because Nixon was a gill-breathing bottom-dweller, a paranoiac with a reverse-Midas touch, turning everything he contacted into turd. But his disgraceful quitting also screwed us.

Hobo Women Invade Congress

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/14 08:24AM

The majority of Americans are currently living on their friend's couch "just for a few weeks until my raise at Rite Aid comes through." In sympathy, our professional elected Congresswomen are also actual, real-life hobos.

GOP House Report on Benghazi Concludes There Is No Benghazi Scandal

Adam Weinstein · 08/04/14 10:35AM

After two years of recriminations and investigations, the Republican-led House intelligence committee is reportedly set to release the results of a Benghazi investigation that found no wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the lead-up and response to the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.