
Groupon Sold a Bunch of Defective, Counterfeit "Extra Safe" Condoms

Jay Hathaway · 04/23/15 04:00PM

Groupon became famous and went public in 2011 by hawking restaurant discounts to people who Instagram their food, but since then, they’ve realized that emailing people coupon spam isn’t a profitable model. Now they’ve switched from pushing coupons to selling a motley assortment of very strange shit, like a mane for your cat, or counterfeit Durex condoms riddled with small holes.

Just in Time for Valentine's Day, the CDC Issued a Warning About Super Gonorrhea and an Epidemic of STDs

Taylor Berman · 02/14/13 09:42PM

If you're spending Valentine's Day alone, here's something comforting: At least you won't catch a case of super gonorrhea. According to a CDC report, cephalsporins – the antibiotics used to treat gonorrhea — are becoming less and less effective. Cephalosporin-resistant gonorrhea is apparently already an issue in Spain, Japan, and France, and, if the current trend continues, could soon become a problem in the U.S.

Mandatory Condom Use in Porn Up For Vote in Los Angeles County

Taylor Berman · 07/05/12 07:21PM

Several months after a nearly unanimous decision by the LA City Council to make condom use mandatory for all LA-based porn shoots, a similar measure is headed to the ballots in Los Angeles County in November. If passed, the ordinance would expand the city's regulations, which doesn't cover shoots inside of movie studios; the county's initiative would include all shoots showing sex and/or explicit nudity. Some 370,000 people signed the petition to qualify the initiative for the ballot, almost 140,000 more than the 232,000 required.

Post-Journalism Careers, Vol. 69: Condom Company CEO

Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/11 04:25PM

Wherefore the laid-off journalist? Thousands of well-trained, conscientious, and skilled reporters and editors have been laid off in the past few years, fallen victim to the recession and the euphemistic "changing nature of the media." Countless others saw the way the cookie was crumbling and got out by choice/ necessity.

You Don't Have to Get Old But You Do Have to Die

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/11 03:28PM

Drug approval! Earthquake danger! Child risks! Ending aging! Cancer marathon! Texas therapy! Pneumonia vaccination! Robot walking! And a whole new way of looking at regulation! It's your Friday Health Watch, where we watch your health—with a heavy heart!

Accused Shoplifter Expected to Have a Lot of Safe Sex

Lauri Apple · 10/25/11 05:38AM

Meet Alexandrea Brooks, a Cobb County, Georgia woman who police claim "infiltrated" a Walgreens (are the Walgreens in Georgia on lockdown? are they exclusive/members-only?) and stole 26 boxes of condoms, an ovulation test, and a few other items, totaling $562.68. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution thoughtfully provides the full list of Brooks' product selections. She sure is a brand loyalist: