Wherefore the laid-off journalist? Thousands of well-trained, conscientious, and skilled reporters and editors have been laid off in the past few years, fallen victim to the recession and the euphemistic "changing nature of the media." Countless others saw the way the cookie was crumbling and got out by choice/ necessity.

That creates what economist call a "situation of a bunch of people who need new jobs" in which a bunch of people who once thought they'd be journalists forever now, unexpectedly, need new jobs. Some of them cope by drinking, as if nothing had changed at all. Others boldly explore new, more exciting careers. One of those career heroes, or careeroes: Jim Moscou, former contributing editor at E&P, and current CEO of Sir Richard's Condoms. Westword reports:

"There's a general sentiment that we're still using our father's father's condom," he says. "You look at companies like Trojan, which are selling this really sophomoric approach to its use. So we saw an opportunity in the marketplace to build a brand that's much more relevant for condom users today. It's a company built by a group of creative social entrepreneurs and designers who asked, 'Can we build a better condom company that does good in the world from its inception?'"

Sounds like a complete fucking maniac. Using our father's condom? You, sir, are a sex perv.

And that's the kind of outside-the-box (TWSS) thinking that you need to succeed in the post-journalism world. Cheers to you, Jim Moscou. You are a careeroe of the most erotic sort.

[Westword via Romenesko]