Another US-based adult film actor tested positive for HIV this week, making the unidentified performer the third porn actor to test positive in the last month. Adult film actress Cameron Bay tested positive at the end of August, and her boyfriend, actor Rod Daily, announced on Tuesday via Twitter that he also tested positive.

And, according to Michael Weinstein — who led the 2012 campaign to require condoms on shoots — there may be a fourth HIV-positive male performer coming forward soon.

Porn industry trade organization The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has called for an indefinite moratorium on filming until the unnamed actor's partners can be tested.

The FSC instituted a week-long moratorium in August after Bay tested positive. The moratorium was lifted after all her partners tested negative. According to the FSC, the latest unidentified performer was prevented from performing due to Bay's moratorium.

"Because of these precautionary steps, the performer who has now tested positive for HIV, had not performed since BEFORE the first moratorium and was prevented from performing due to the required retest," said Dr. Sean Darcy in the FSC statement. "Therefore, no performers were exposed to a new risk of on-set transmission as a result of this latest case, or Ms. Bay's infection."

No moratorium was issued after Daily's admission because he was privately tested — the FSC only acts off of results obtained through the industry's screening system. Daily also works exclusively in gay pornography, where condom use is mandated.

[image via Twitter, Shutterstock]