
Columbia Professor Ruder Than Columbia Muggers

Hamilton Nolan · 02/07/11 09:38AM

Columbia University: where you can almost taste the class conflict lapping at the edge of campus. According to a credulity-straining (fictional?) report in The Morningside Post, Columbia student Jane Watkins was hurrying up 114th on her way to class when she was rudely mugged. By very polite muggers!

James Franco to Teach Class About Himself

Maureen O'Connor · 02/01/11 01:59PM

James Franco grabs overexposure by the balls, then teabags it, in Columbia College Hollywood's Master Class: Editing James Franco… with James Franco, in which film students edit footage of James Franco under James Franco's tutelage while James Franco films them.

Hard-Partying Northwestern Students Thwarted by 'Brothel Law'

Brian Moylan · 01/25/11 02:47PM

Evanston, Illinois, the home of Northwestern University, plans to start enforcing a "brothel law" that prevents more than three unrelated people from sharing a house or apartment. Why would they bother? To cut down on college parties, of course.

Crappy State Schools Will Soon Be Unaffordable, Crappier

Hamilton Nolan · 01/24/11 02:56PM

A sunny reenactment of recent trends in American higher education: due to the recession, enrollment rises. Due to the recession, state funding was down. Federal stimulus funds provide momentary rescue! And now: federal funds end. States are still broke. Urgh.

JFK's Harvard and Princeton Applications Are Identical

Maureen O'Connor · 01/21/11 06:06PM

You know how, when you applied for college, you sent the same bromide "Why I want to go to _____ University" essay to every school, because all colleges are interchangeable anyway? Turns out John F. Kennedy thought so, too.

Protesting College Student Pays Tuition In Dollar Bills

Adrian Chen · 01/16/11 05:15PM

University of Colorado sophomore Nic Ramos paid off his entire $14,309.51 tuition with a 33-pound duffel bag of cash—dollar bills and change. He did this to show how expensive college is, or something.

Student Sues College for Having Her Committed Over Hidden Cam

John Cook · 01/13/11 04:42PM

Chinemerem Eze, a Nigerian national attending Brooklyn College, believed that her landlord had hidden a camera in her apartment. When she asked school officials for help, they shipped her off to a psychiatric ward. Then she found the camera.