
Tom Hanks' Son Is a Frat Boy Rapper

Hamilton Nolan · 01/12/11 11:27AM

Chet Hanks is the son of actor Tom Hanks. He attends Northwestern University. Chet Haze is "an up and coming MC...Born and raised on the West Side of the Westside's main city LA." Yes, he has a new Northwestern-themed single.

Why Are All Our College Kids Going Crazy?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/10 11:54AM

Over the past decade, the percentage of college students visiting school counseling centers who are "coping with serious mental illness" has more than doubled. What's happening here? Better legal psychiatric drugs? Worse illegal hallucinogenic drugs? Psht. We blame Wal-Mart.

The Coolest Marching Band Routine You'll See This Football Season

Matt Cherette · 12/17/10 03:59PM

Some marching band routines are boring, sure—but not this one! Here's last weekend's performance by the University of Hawaii's creative squad, during which they morphed into a giant stick figure and kicked an equally giant football. Watch inside.

Secret College Monk Orgy Draws Mild Rebuke

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/10 10:46AM

A professor at Aalborg University has been reprimanded after being taped participating in an orgy in which "four men wearing monk robes" had sex with a woman in one of the university's machine rooms. The orgy itself wasn't the problem.

Homophobic Pee Vandal Haunts Harvard

Maureen O'Connor · 12/13/10 01:56PM

A phantom pisser left his (or her) mark in a Harvard library this weekend, by dousing a selection of books about LGBT issues with human pee. The "vandalism by urine" will be investigated as a hate crime.

College Student Goes Crazy When She Can't Get Her Pizza

Brian Moylan · 12/10/10 11:55AM

The food court at Louisiana State University sure is a tense place. This girl goes ballistic when she can't get her Papa John's fast enough. She need to go back to her dorm and smoke a J or something. [via]

Granny Gets Her Freak On at USC Tailgate

Matt Cherette · 12/09/10 12:20PM

The most exciting part of the USC-UCLA matchup last weekend had nothing to do with the game itself, because it was all about this red sweatsuit-clad granny who got her freak on—repeatedly!—at a pre-game tailgate party. Watch inside.

The Great Columbia Frat Boy Drug-Dealing Ring

Maureen O'Connor · 12/07/10 01:32PM

You know it's a good story when it begins with a narcotics task force called "Operation: Ivy League." After months undercover with kids who are reading the Iliad, the NYPD busted five alleged frat boy drug dealers at Columbia University.

Do Not Diss John Lennon in Your College Application Essay

Christopher Han · 12/06/10 03:44PM

Having trouble convincing an academic board that you have more life experience under your belt than you really should? You're not alone! Don't spiral into comical self-parody; these respectable adults will help you along the way!