Today we discovered the rapping branch of Tom Hanks's family, namely a son who goes to Northwestern and spits rhymes about said institution. As in any good rap battle, this prompted a sizzling hot response from a commenter.

From MissWhatsit:

Does he go to the same Northwestern I did? Because my experience was a lot more like "Gettin kicked out of the libes at closing time / cause I got a paper due tomorrow and I'm way behind/Then I'll play D&D while drinkin' Kahlua & cream/didn't even know we had a football team".

Nicely done! Now let's all play! Here's mine for Boston College:

"Readin' St. Aquinas like it's goin' outta style / Yellin' at marathoners at the twentieth mile / Lovin' that Busch even though I'm gay / Dad's a prof there so I don't have to pay."

See? It's fun! Now you go.