
Ignorant People Remain Hopeful

Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/11 03:51PM

A majority of unemployed Americans say they're confident that they'll find a job in the next year—a better job, at that. Meanwhile, college grads as a group are despondent over their own economic prospects. Now: considering the state of college in this country, we hesitate to make too much out of a college education. But when all the people who may have actually taken an economics class are the most pessimistic, we'd gently suggest that that's a bad sign. Perhaps the unemployed should tone down that optimism just a bit.

Dropping Out of Community College Sure Is a Huge Waste of Money

Hamilton Nolan · 10/20/11 03:54PM

As the dying middle class sees its children swallowed by the student debt bubble as they desperately take out loans to afford college degrees from their likely substandard schools, it's worth remembering the fact that the vast majority of college students in this country are part-timers who will never graduate. You'll never guess how much money we're wasting on remedial English classes! From the LA Times:

College Kids Are Such Easy Marks

Hamilton Nolan · 10/17/11 02:25PM

For people whose job it is to turn unsuspecting suckers into corporate-advertising zombies, there's no better sight than a bunch of fresh-faced 18 year-olds moving boxes into a dorm room, ready to take on the world. Yeah, take on the world's debt. Don't forget your college-branded credit card and whatnot, suckers young adults!

Stutterer Shut-Upper Professor: The Kid's a Mouthful

Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/11 08:30AM

Earlier this week, we told you about the case of Phillip Garber (seen in the video above), the precocious 16 year-old college student whose professor asked him not to speak in class because of his stuttering problem. Wholly predictable outrage ensued! Now, the professor is defending herself. Let's listen!

Florida's Governor Declares War on Useless Degrees

Jim Newell · 10/12/11 11:33AM

Florida's comically unpopular governor, Rick Scott, has decided to pick another new, arbitrary fight: This time with anthropology majors! And psychology majors, and really all liberal arts/social science majors, whom he believes his state university system subsidizes for no good reason. Have any of these invalids ever gotten a job, in Florida? There is no reason to humor them any longer.

The NYPD Is Spying on Muslim College Students

John Cook · 10/11/11 01:52PM

Today there is yet another in an astonishing series of revelations from the Associated Press on the extent of the NYPD's illegal surveillance of Muslims: The city is sending undercover cops into local colleges to spy on Muslim students. Why? Because they're Muslims!

Say Goodbye to College Radio?

Lauri Apple · 10/11/11 09:46AM

Today people across North America are celebrating College Radio Day—a brand-new holiday founded by two enthusiasts of college radio's typically "unique and fearless programming." On college radio, DJs can play Birthday Party songs before bluegrass songs and after Miles Davis songs, but also play Ke$ha songs if they want. On college radio, DJs can go "um" and "uhhhh" and it's okay, nobody fires them.

Do Not Forbid the Stutterer in Your Class From Speaking

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/11 08:21AM

Sometimes, the very most basic facts of a story are all that's necessary to see the colossal outpouring of public rage that is sure to follow. As in this case! College professors: do not order a student in your class who stutters not to speak in class, ever.

Colleges Second-Guess The 'Raise Prices Forever' Plan

Hamilton Nolan · 10/10/11 03:04PM

America's finest colleges and America's finest corporations aren't all that different: they're both sitting on huge piles of cash, complaining about the economy, and soaking you, the consumer, for all you're worth. Simultaneously!

Hot New Campus Accessory: Guns

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/11 03:36PM

What's new "on campus" these days? Guns! Guns, guns, guns. The college experience is no longer considered complete without a firearm to accompany you all over campus. Don't be a victim—of enemies of the Second Amendment!

College Now Offering Special Smart Person Discount

Hamilton Nolan · 09/29/11 10:38AM

Seton Hall in New Jersey is a pretty okay school, if you judge schools based on the historical performance of their basketball teams (as I do). And now, Seton Hall has a special bonus deal: smart person discount!