Journalists reporting on Libya's civil war have stumbled upon 21-year-old UCLA math student Chris Jeon, who has joined the Libyan rebels because "It is the end of my summer vacation, so I thought it would be cool to join the rebels."

Jeon bought an $800 one-way plane ticket from L.A. to Cairo two weeks ago, then snuck across the boarder into Libya. He of course has no actual affinity for the rebels: "At spring break I told my friends a 'sick' vacation would be to come here and fight with the rebels," he told a Christian Monitor reporter. And he is about as good a soldier as you would expect, according to the National:

"How do you fire this thing?" he asked on Wednesday as a bearded rebel handed him an AK-47. Locating the trigger of the assault rifle and switching off the safety, Mr Jeon fired it in the air in two short bursts.
"I want to fight in Sirte!" he proclaimed, using hand gestures and pointing west towards Sirte. Whether the rebels understood him was far from clear. "It's hard to communicate. I don't really speak any Arabic," he said.

This is a metastasized version of that strange affliction many college kids have which forces them to visit the most screwed-up places on earth as an antidote to their college lives being a four-year food-drink-and-drug binge pajama party. Reading the articles and seeing the pictures of this soon-to-be famous war tourist, it's hard not to think: "This guy is going to die so freaking hard." Although if he doesn't, it's safe to say he will not have a problem getting laid when he gets back home.