
Mississippi Sorority Blackface Incident Is Year's Most Predictable Incident

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/11 05:40PM

College sorority blackface Halloween party controversy news of the day: "The [University of Southern Mississippi] Dean of Students Office said the six women, all members of Phi Mu sorority, dressed in blackface to depict themselves as the Huxtable family from 'The Cosby Show,' as part of their participation in a 1980s-themed, off-campus costume party on Wednesday."

'This Is About the Football Players,' Moron Tells Penn State Protester

Max Read · 11/12/11 06:03PM

After the embarrassment of Wednesday night's riot, in which thousands of Penn State students took to the streets to protest the firing of longtime football coach Joe Paterno for helping to cover up assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's alleged rape of several young boys, you'd think Penn State fans would have learned their lesson. As it turns out, not all of them have.

Learn How Homosexuality Is a 'Gateway Drug' at Baylor

Lauri Apple · 11/11/11 06:14AM

Did you know that homosexuality is a gateway drug? "Gateway drug to what,?" you ask. Well, I'm not really sure, because I didn't attend Baylor University, which offers a whole course on the subject, or even major in Gateway Drug Studies.

To Occupy Harvard, You Need a Valid Harvard ID

Maureen O'Connor · 11/10/11 12:02PM

Updated. Three hundred protesters marched through Cambridge, Massachusetts last night. Their goal: Occupying Harvard Yard. Arriving at the edge of campus, the protesters found the University's gates locked and guarded by a phalanx of campus police. Boston's CBS affiliate reports:

Video of Police Whacking Students With Batons Doesn't Look Good

Lauri Apple · 11/10/11 08:36AM

It's not clear from this YouTube clip what provoked Berkeley, California cops to begin poking at these UC-Berkeley students with such force, but we wouldn't want to be the police spokesperson tasked with explaining this scene to the public.

The Days of Fun College Majors Are Over

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/11 01:11PM

Allow us to explain something as clearly as possible to kids these days, because we, the internet, are essentially your parents now: college isn't supposed to be "fun" for you, any more. That was the privilege of every previous generation. Not you. Considering the economy's collapse and the the truly terrifying levels of student debt assumption necessary to buying a college degree these days, you're expected to choose a major that pays. "Exploring intellectual horizons" and all that horseshit was for others. Not you. See?

Yale Quarterback Faces Worst White Boy Dilemma Ever

Maureen O'Connor · 11/08/11 03:41PM

Yale University quarterback Patrick Witt is "every inch the football hero," "a contender for the NFL draft," "the most accurate passer in Yale history." He is also very smart, with a 3.91 GPA and a shot at the Rhodes Scholarship.

You Won't Learn Hip Hop in This Man's Classroom

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/11 10:55AM

Hip hop culture is a very deserving field of study. Rap lyrics are some of the most powerful popular poetry of the past three decades. Studying rap music in a classroom is kind of a drag compared to studying rap music, say, in a car full of weed smoke, but hey, it's not the worst thing you could do in a classroom.

Catholic University Still Full of Sex, Sex, Sex

Hamilton Nolan · 10/31/11 10:11AM

Earlier this year, Catholic University president John Garvey vowed to get rid of co-ed dorms, lest his school further descend into the depths of liquor-soaked "nun and priest"-themed heterosexual orgies. Is mere sexxxual segregation enough to tame the devilish sexxx hormones of sexxxy young sexxx-crazed students at the very peak of their sexxxuality?