John Sieglinger, age 21, streaked at University of Southern Mississippi football game last weekend, and the worst thing that can happen during a streaking event occurred: He fell down. On his penis.

One can only assume that the entire stadium full of football fans winced simultaneously when the unthinkable occurred. College rag The East Carolinian immortalized the moment with an uncensored picture of John Sieglinger squashing his babymaker on their paper's front page (above, their montage) causing all kinds of campus outrage.

Whatever, the far more urgent dilemma here is, "Is there any graceful way to recover after falling on your penis in front of everyone?" I'm going with "No." Sieglinger was charged with misdemeanor indecent exposure and first-degree trespass, and agreed to pay a fine.

[The East Carolinian, Romenesko, 9News]