
Mormon College Objects to Skinny Jeans

Maureen O'Connor · 12/06/11 06:00PM

Updated. The first time I read this, I thought it was parody: Independent Brigham Young University publication The Student Review reports that BYU-Idaho has banned skinny jeans as part of its honor code guidelines against "form-fitting clothing." Skinny jeans: trousers of the devil? Don't tell Mitt Romney.

Women Be Kicking Ass at Going to College

Hamilton Nolan · 12/06/11 03:10PM

Boys, or girls: which do you think is better at going to college? If you said "boys," fuck off, you stupid idiot, no wonder you never went to college.

Scene Outside College Library Looks Like Walmart on Black Friday

Lauri Apple · 12/05/11 10:06AM

For students at the College of William & Mary in Virginia, trying to secure a prime study spot in the library during the "reading days" before Finals Week has become as harrowing and dangerous as trying to purchase $2 waffle iron on Black Friday. Trampling! Pepper spray! These are now part of their library experience.

Old Lady Professor Who Ran a Meth Lab is Nothing Like the Guy in Breaking Bad

Seth Abramovitch · 12/04/11 11:17PM

Irina Kristy, an easy-grading college math professor with an impenetrable accent who has taught at Boston University and Suffolk University since 1987, has been arrested for allegedly running a crystal meth lab with Grigory Genkin, her 29-year-old son, out of their home in Somerville, Massachusetts. (This is the part in the post where you point a finger at your screen and shout, "Breaking Bad! Breaking Bad!" even though it bears only a passing resemblance to the AMC series. So please stop.)

How Can We Make Wall Street Recruiting 'Cool' Again?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/11 03:10PM

Add this to the list of Wall Street's problems: kids these days don't think banks are "cool" any more, for some reason. (Kids. You know?) The NYT says that even Yale kids are protesting when Morgan Stanley comes to campus to recruit their peers who know how to pick out a decent suit, which is probably... the best thing Yalies have ever done.

Puff Daddy's Kid Does Not Have to Pay a Dime to Go to UCLA

Brian Moylan · 11/29/11 04:25PM

Justin Combs, heir to Sean "Just Call Me Puffy" Combs' hip-hop, clothing, vodka, and Cheeze Doodle empire (he owns "Puffy Cheeze Doodles," right?) is going to UCLA and is not going to pay one red cent.

Report: English Lit Professors Write Too Much Boring Crap

Hamilton Nolan · 11/21/11 12:49PM

Here's what stupid uneducated people imagine that college literature professors do: teach. Har har, stupid ignorant idiots! Here is what college literature professors actually do: write obscure papers that nobody will read. Now that's where it's at!

Just One Real College Major Left

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/11 11:41AM

We blame the 60s. For everything. Today, we blame the 60s for creating the lax and permissive atmosphere in this great nation that directly caused our "best and brightest" young university students to neglect their studies in favor of LSD, sexual intercourse, and LSD intercourse.