Penn State is worried about the children! No, not those children. Their student-children. All this rioting and child sex abuse has the university's career services center concerned that students are going to have a tough time getting internships and job opportunities, and they have issued a letter with advice on how to address the issues in an interview.

Here's the letter students received:

Students may acknowledge that they are primarily concerned for the victims and also concerned for Penn State in these unsettling times. However, students should keep the focus on the job or internship for which they are applying and how they will excel in the opportunity. Students should note that they can only take personal responsibility for their individual actions. Talk about all of the good work accomplished at Penn State in building the skills and professional qualities in preparation for the position, and about the excitement to put those skills to work for the employer. Inform the employer or internship site that, if hired, you will reflect favorably on the employer through your good work, core values and skills obtained through our University.

And remember to pack a little snacky before the interview, so your tummy doesn't grumble wumble. Take it easy, career services! These are adults. They need to be reminded to "acknowledge concern for the victims," while keeping "the focus on the job"? I guess the letter is directed at the same students who turned into a snarling pack of animals when Paterno was fired—and it's true that a little preemptive preparation never hurt anyone—but if these toddlers need direction like this, there's a good chance they weren't going to nail the interview anyway.

[The Daily Collegian via Business Insider, photo via Shutterstock]